Bambu Lab X1 Carbon - Squeaky noise when moving the Z axis

I have a noise on my X1C that is really getting me down. It is so unbearable that I am currently only printing with the A1. I’ve already turned the printer over and in my opinion the noise is either coming from the lower bearing of one of the Z axles or, more likely, from the belts that run over the pulleys/bearings.

In any case, I had localized it down there with my smartphone and an app for measuring volume. In other forums I had read something about lubricating the backs of the belts, I had also done this minimally and it had worked immediately, but now it is even louder and to be honest I am unsure whether it is so good to grease the belts.

It’s definitely not the Z spindles themselves which are well lubricated. The bearings also look well lubricated from the inside.

I made a video of the noise…
Bambu Lab X1 Carbon - Squeaky noise when moving the Z axis (


Hard to judge what it can be based on the sound recorded by your phone. Definitely not right, though. I don’t think it’s belt noise, though if it is, removing the belt and turning the idlers by hand should expose the bearing that’s rough.

Three possibilities I can think of… there’s a scrap of filament jammed in to one of the Z stage screws, there’s an alignment issue with the build plate or with the position of the plastic bezels at the back of the printer resulting in interference when the Z stage moves (the back is the only place the build plate is close enough to anything for this to be a possibility but it’s a long shot), or lastly that you have a seized bearing or bad ball screw on one of the Z stage rails or screws or belt pulleys.

I think if it was a belt/pulley the sound wouldn’t change depending on where you are on the Z axis. It’d happen at the top same as it does lower down. The belt goes around many times for each CM of travel. Same logic applies to the bearings the Z axis components ride on. If it’s only happening down low, I think it’s likely a ball/screw issue.

You’re going to have to take stuff apart to figure it out I’m afraid.


I am having the same issue and it really sucks that I have to perform a teardown and try to resolve this on such a new printer.

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I have hit the same issue. printer is 6month old, and that sound is pretty loud… Trying to share a link of the video but can’t seem to include link.

I guess it is time to open the bottom? not looking forward to this…

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I have watched the video and have the exact same!!! Grrr!
30-40mins later, sorted i places a drop of machine oil on a pully underneath the X1C :slight_smile:


I think I’m going to have to do the same thing. I mainly hear the noise when the bed is near the top and is z hopping. It started a few weeks ago.

The noise sounds like it is coming from under the printer.


Correct. It’s not covered so easy to do. Just one drop of oil on the metal pulley and it’s gone. It is caused by the belt rubbing against the pulley


How do I access the pulley?

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Lift up the printer or turn it on its side and you’ll see all the puillys.


You mentioned the belt rubbing, so are you putting the oil on the outside part of the pulley the belt touches or just on axle of the pulley?

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I did put a large drop on the pulley with the intention of just lubricating the bearings but it went on the belt too. But it did stop the squeaking almost immediately

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I reached out the Bambu to confirm what to do and this was their response:

Judging from your video, the noise could be from the friction of the Z belt and wheels. The four areas highlighted in red circles in the diagram are potential sources of friction.

We recommend applying lubricating grease at the Z belt tensioner idler wheel to address this issue and make the noise.

If the noise persists after lubrication, please refer to the wiki: Replacing the Z timing belt | Bambu Lab Wiki

You can follow steps 5 and 6 in this wiki article to remove and inspect the tensioning idler assembly of the Z belt for any misalignment shown in the picture below.

EDIT: They also sent a video to show where to put the grease


I can confirm that putting the grease on the idler pulley as shown in Bambu’s video eliminated the z hop sounds I was getting for the first few layers.


Thanks for the detailed explanation. I got rid of the noise by lubricating the back (flat side) of the belts. Looking at your video, it seems to be greasing the same areas. However, I used a lot less as I was worried that a lot of dirt would collect on it. Grease magically attracts dust.

I signed up here just to say that I had exactly same sound and couldn’t identify what was wrong. And lubricating that pulley on the bottom solved it! Ugh, what a relief not to hear this sound anymore

hey i’m having the same problem. I see that you used grease to fix the issue would you mind telling me which parts and which grease did you use ?

Having the very same issue now, with x1c with a bit over 1000 hours of printing. Will apply the grease and ordered a few spare z-belts too…

Thank you, I was getting the same squeak on my p1s and a small drop of silicone grease sorted it


For those less mechanically inclined (like myself) I would like to put out a friendly reminder to definitely take the glass top off your X1C before tilting the machine on it’s side.

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You can add the grease to the tensioner sides WITHOUT taking apart anything but the plastic cover. So no need for retensioning, etc.
A couple of minutes task. Three is you have the AMS on top of the printer.
My X1C is silent again now.