X1 printer working well so far with PLA, PETG, ABS, Using Bambu PC filament, prints work well with low Z height, taller prints fail, any experience would be appreciated
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Maybe the Bambu Political Correct Filament is incompatible with plastic Samurai-Swords?!?
Try shaking it and scream WAKY WAKY! It could need to be awakened and only works if it’s Woke?
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OMG, if my printer gets “woke” disease, I will have to give it away to a politician.
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@user_2304333116 When printing on the upper layers, is the model being shifted around or wobbling as new layers are being added?
If that’s the case, that would indeed cause a bad result. See if you can determine why it is wobbling, and if it’s wobbling at the base, perhaps creating a wider base for the print to rest on, such as a wider brim?