Bambu PLA matte warping

I’m printing part for this foam blaster called the alchmeist.. I’m using the bambu pla mattte forest green. I’m printing it at .08mm layer heights and with the default extra fine profile with ironing. I keep gettings some small corners warped and I want to ensure that its nice and flat. I cleaned the plate with dawn soap and hot water but it still seems to warp a little in the corners.

Are you using a Brim…?? If not, turn it on.

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I tired some parts with the brim and it still seems to warp a little in the corners

As @lion7718 mentioned, a brim should help. With Orca, you alse have Mouseears at your displosal.
Since you seem to be using PLA, you could also print with the door and top closed. That will increase the chamber temp (in Orca, you can also turn off the chamber fan) which in turn will reduce the temp differential and hence reduce warping. It may increase the chance of clogging, but I have never had the issue with PLA (no experience on Matte though) or PETG. Not even with PC with all temps maxed.
Finally, since you are already at Extra Fine, you could lower printing speeds by 25-50%.

I think the problem could be cooling. I printed some parts with birm and a nicely cleaned plate and it still had some warping on the very corner edges.

You can see the very bottom part has a smooth top and the bottom of the second part was being printed on the plate with brims. The very corners are being lifted a bit. I’m going to print some new parts with the first 5 layers no cooling and see if that helps out, freshly washed plate too, 5 walls and ironing, no brims, everything else extra fine default settings in bambu slicer.

Well, warping is a result of material shrinking during cool down. So there are a few screws to turn.
Cooling is indeed one of them. It is a bit tricky to use though as it also has a drastic effect on overhangs, bridges and layers on top of infill as well. So tweaking with cooling is always a last resort for when everything else was not enough for me.

Also, warping is a question of “good enough” rather than perfect as there are conflicting requirements.

Could the wall count affect it? This build calls for 5 walls and 20 percent infill. I printed a benchy with the pla and it seems to stick perfectly fine. I might just end up using glue because I want the corners to be as clean as I can get them. Of course a little warping won’t hurt I want to try to minimize it as much as I can.

Wall count does have an effect. Warpage is essentially a shrinkage which comes as a Percentage per degree temp difference. But x% of 2mm is more than x% of 1mm.
However, since it is an action model, I expect that it needs to be sturdy.

So I would go for default settings on the model, employ a brim or mouse ears, close the door and lid, set the chamber fan to 10% (Orca, almost identical experience as Studio), slow down by 25% and cover up the remaining warping by using a high viscosity CA-adhesive and maybe a bit of plastic filler (if needed, may need paint then though). Maybe I’d also use adaptive layers on their fine settings and manually ensure that they are at the extra fine level in the lowest 1-2 inch of the model. That would speed up the overall print a bit without sacrificing quality.

Thanks ill try that out. Do you have any recommended model that could test out my adhesion?

Alright I just finished a new print that expierence a lot of warping before here are the print settings.
The deafult Bambu lab Etra fine for the A1
Quality changes
Strenght settings
5 walls
Speed settings
Inital later 25
Intialer layer infill 55
Outer wall 100
Inner wall 200
Sparese infill 275
INteral soild infill 250
Top surface 150
Brim outter with brim with 5 and 0 object gap
Process of the print
around the start

40 %

70 % where the wapring start on the top part which i think its because of cooling.

finished print

I also messed with the cooling settings. I have no coolings for the first 7 layers I noticed on the upper part of the acutal part that it seems to warp a bit and when I turned yup the fan it seemed to fix it. Is there a way to turn the fan to a higher speed when it comes to that top? would that be in the part cooling fan under max fan speed threshold?

Also used adpative layering and just clicked the auto one at qaulity / speed .25

From the start the layer seemed fine and I didn’t really see any warping while the whole print was being done. I also got a new magnetic bed being a smooth one from amazon
Cuurenlty waiting for the best to cool down.

Warping seems to be fixed??? I didn’t use glue and it seems that the first layer with no heating healped.