Bambu poa supports

Hi all, i have been doing some test with supports, i used bambu pla for supports, it works really well in flat surfaces using bambu pla for supports setting but the result in round surfaces isbad, a little bit better than using petg as support interface, but still bad. Any suggest?, do i must change anything in the setting? I know i can’t have quality like if supports were not needed but i want a better quality.

Thanks all

Flat surface

Round surface

Hi, you don’t mention what material the test piece is, or the printer used. The test piece looks small, why not drop the .stl here? I for one, don’t mind playing with it and to give you some feedback. Is this a functional part? As the upper part seems unnecessarily big if you are just interested in testing the lower part (the ball and flats) with supports. If it is a functional part, why not just print it with the ball at the top?

Things that are round are always going to be a problems.
But I’ll watch this thread to see if someone says different.

I agree with @GrahamGo and @lion7718

Since you mentioned PETG interface for PLA and vice versa, I assume you made sure to have a solid interface between the two, i.e. z-distance = 0? That is quite important for a good quality surface. However, a ball shape is very challenging as the very small plate contact surface leads to the ball “swimming” in a dissimilar material.
There are two workarounds that I have used in the past.
To stabilize an “island” swimming in a dissimilar material support layer, you can add stabilizer pillars or ribs using primitives. One per degree of freedom, contact width = 1-2 nozzle diameters (not more to enable easy cutting, but enough to stabilize the model). It is not ideal but makes some prints possible that will not work otherwise.
The other approach which works well for PLA prints is to use water soluble filament. PVA did not work for me in pre-Bambu times (haven’t tried since) but BVOH was a blast. Perfect interface with Febrlogy’s BVOH. Just keep in mind that water soluble support material takes up water like nobodies business. It actually kept my AMS dessiccant dry, so be prepared for weekly drying.

@GrahamGo iused this stl

It is not a functional piece, only testing to get better surfaces with supports. I used pla as main material, with petg and bambu supports (better with bambu supports).

I think flat surface is pretty nice, the problem like peopke sais above is round surfaces, they loose lot of quality.

I keep testing this days and sharing my results here

I chopped the body as you said the flats are ok, Here is the dome. Bambu silk PLA. 0.2mm standard, Support enabled using auto settings. 10 min print.

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did you get that result with the dome faced down and with standard supports?

Hi, no. I referenced the photo’s that are in the printables file. The dome is support but from the inside. Isn’t that the same way that you printed your example? I cut the bottom section away, because it seemed irrelevant.

I can repeat it if it helps but please confirm the orientation.

Screenshot 2024-09-16 190409

i printed the same way you did, but i also turned it 180º, so the dome stais downside, wich gives the bad result in the round surface, that is what i want to improve

I tried printing with the dome top touching the plate. The results were poor due to the tip of the dome being somewhat flat using the 0.2mm standard height setting. So I increased it to 0.16mm High Quality, to get more definition. Then in support I added more raft layers to lift the tip of the dome off the plate. Here an octopus and the final result.