Bambu servers not working properly?

Hey, not sure if this is just me but my models seem to not be getting downloads counted.

you can see here that for the last few days I’ve consistently had more prints than downloads; not sure how that’s possible :man_shrugging:

I have something similar that’s effected my recent post:

This post somehow has:
0 Downloads, 0 Prints
But at the same time
2 Boosts, 1 Comment, 4 Collected

I know it’s not impossible to boost without downloading but this still seems weird, especially to happen twice.
I noticed a decline in ‘downloads’ after the last update; not sure what they changed but it seems something broke!

downloads not counted is already a topic :slight_smile: you can look it up here we already have went through it and yes I believe you are 100% right

Yeah, only the first 5 downloads that a user makes in a day gets counted. So if I download 8 things to print today, only the first 5 of them actually get the credit for the download. They did this on top of slashing points. :frowning: @Makerworld hasn’t said much about this, but that’s what I gather from it.

My downloads are down since the 4\17 update also. It’s clearly something MW implemented on that update.

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I have problems with uploading an Print Profile.
Anyone else have this problem?

I haven’t tried, but that doesn’t have anything to do with this thread. You can make a new one maybe? People might see it. (Servers aren’t actually broken, just the new update being annoying and not counting many downloads)