Bambu Store Price Differences

I’m REALLY curious to know why there is such a drastic difference in the prices between the GLOBAL store and the US store for the very same items. For example, they offer a complete set of specialty plates (steel plate, carbon fiber, diamond, galaxy, starry) for the A1 in the global store for $26.99usd and in the US store they do not even offer the combo and they want to charge $19.99 for each plate…meaning I would be paying over 3 times the amount that would be charged on the global site. (and, yes, I already know the “global” site won’t ship to anywhere but the far east…not so “global” I guess) Anyone else have thoughts on this?

My guess (and that is all this is, just a guess) is that it has to do with supply and demand. That is generally how prices are set. Different regions can have different supplies and different demands, thus different costs of products.