Bambu Studio 1.10.2 Public Beta

The Beta release (V1.10.2 Public Beta) is based on V1.10.1 Public Release and incorporates a series of fixes and improvements according to user feedback.


  1. Introduce authorization and authentication protection mechanism: Bambu Studio now supports signing and encrypting control commands sent to printers when the printer supports authorization and authentication protection. The printer will determine whether the commands can be executed.

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed potential issues with floating supports in Tree Hybrid and Tree Slim structure.(#5246)
  2. Fixed a potential failure to load Brazilian Portuguese on Linux, thanks to @ronoaldo for the contribution.(#5580)
  3. Fixed the font color display issue in the “unsaved changes dialog” on Linux, thanks to @D0ot for your contribution. (#2731)
  4. Fixed an issue where tree supports sometimes failed to generate continuous top support layers.(#5132)
  5. Fixed an issue where the Top-Z parameter of mixed supports was invalid in certain cases. (#5334)
  6. Fixed display issue for remaining print time on MacOS. (#5294 ,#5280 ,#5378 ,#5299)
  7. Fixed an issue where the bottom surface of some parts could not be selected in certain cases.(#5343)
  8. Updated some English translations, thanks to @ping-localhost for the contribution.
  9. Added LDO as a new filament vendor, thanks to @camerony for the contribution.
  10. Fixed GCode export failures for third-party printers. (#5557 ,#5614 ,#5471)

You can download the latest version from Github


Great news! Does it also fix the huge camera lag on the X1C camera feed? And does it fix the AMS selection to the nozzle pictogram? Often it is mixed up and showing the wrong color being active in the device tab.


Hmmm. This reads suspiciously vague.

It could mean that Bambu printers get an onboard permission handling, so that you can “lock down” your printer and set what commands can be run.

But it could also mean that Bambu printers in (or of?) the future will only run Gcode encrypted and signed by Bambu Studio…


A bug in Studio meant you could select Surface text or Horizontal text, but not both.

Seems to have been corrected in Studio Beta

More details about this is available in our blog post.

Network Plugin for Third-party Slicer

Network plugin API for Third-party slicing tools (e.g. OrcaSlicer) based on open-source Studio development will no longer be able to utilize Studio’s network plugin API for authorization control.

I don’t like this part or where this is headed, to be honest. Time will tell, but this is becoming more and more a “prison” for a product that it’s ours.

How about multi accounts on the same printer? It’s being requested since January 2023 and said that “we are looking into it”. We are now in January 2025 and every time more restricted.


They could allow users to manage their security. By allowing users to manage their security keys or being even to allow to turn that “feature” off if they desire.

But no, bambu wants to own our hardware even more.

Looks like time to stop doing firmware upgrades which is a sad “solution” :frowning:

Hopefully their “connect” software will be torn to pieces and keys (or whatever is needed) extracted.


Network plugin API for Third-party slicing tools (e.g. OrcaSlicer) based on open-source Studio development will no longer be able to utilize Studio’s network plugin API for authorization control.

Why? Nobody asked for limiting access or sending sliced stuff. You also haven’t released that connect tool for linux, where it’s easier to use orca than bambu studio.

Also - when will we be finally able to use multiple accounts on single printer? That’s something A LOT of people asked for.

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This is going to lock down the printers and make using anything but their crappy software impossible. This new auth is horrible for customers, I don’t need more auth I need less. Disable this for LAN MODE!!!


Connect for Linux is under development.

More details about why the security needs to be increased are available in this wiki:


Adverse Impacts of Abnormal Requests

  • Increased System Load: Middleware components experience elevated loads, leading to abnormal restarts and disruptions to online operations.
  • Degraded Service Performance: Back-end service latency has increased significantly, adversely affecting the experience of normal users.
  • Login System Failures: The high frequency of login attempts has triggered multiple failures in the cloud login components, cumulatively disrupting normal user logins for approximately 1 hour and impacting the ability of users to access services.

Don’t force users into your cloud and instead let them manage p2p connections. Almost all of those service degradation problems arise from your cloud system. It should not be the user, who paid for the hardware, to be restricted.

In the last year alone Bambulab has proven that they don’t listen to users nor they want to. From simple but important requests to lies, manipulation and a service that should not be called service at all. The problem with spools with tape that “are resolved” and still happen, the miscommunication from the sales, etc… Instead you throw everything you want into our throat. Every user should be responsible for his machine and that’s it. If a problem occurs from your cloud service not being able to mitigate such failures, users should have a working workaround to be able to use their hardware. Instead we are left with Lan mode that is the most restricted i have ever seen in my life. 3D printing should be for the masses, as it always was. You gave us great machines but took all the liberties from the hobby.

I speak for myself only, but this is not about security, at least not everything. This is control.

Tell me something. What happens when Bambulab leaves the business? What happens with all those machines? We keep Lan mode or SD card printing and that’s it? And what happens when your slicer does not get updated too? We turn to open source, as we always have done. But this time is locked! It doesn’t matter… it’s business right?


What you’re trying to justify here are security issues your damn Bambu cloud has, not our printers. I don’t want your bloody “security” sh1t" imposed on my machine just because you’re desperately trying to tighten your bloody grip on Bambu users and unable to safely and securely manage your bloody cloud. You’re actually not just deceiving your paying customers, you’re desperately looking to lock us out of any othe options but also to block us in your Bambu "environment". That’s not going to happen. That’s why I never allow a firmware update from you, not unless it’s properly validated by users who have earned my trust.

I really don’t trust you Bambu, and your “actions” for the past several months (actually entire 2024) have done nothing else but to make sure to distrust you even more.


OK, cool… But this is cloud traffic. Which is kinda silly TBH when one thinks about optimizing the stuff Just have some Fail2Ban and load drops significantly without locking down 3rdparty software.

You could also optimize away a lot of local connections, eg if the slicer and printer are on the same net, just send the sliced file directly to printer instead via the cloud, that would surely bring the load numbers (at least for authorized uses) waaaaay down.

And if you really like to have your cloud not accessed via “3rd party” then make it so that users wanting to use 3rdparty software could do so via say octoprint and enjoy the printers.


Couldn’t agree more. This kind of move will prevent me from even wanting to invest further in Bambu Lab products - not just printers, everything. I imagine that I’m not alone, either.


Who makes these decisions, this is just horrible on every level?!

I was looking forward to the new printers but I can’t support this. Same with uploads to MakerWorld, I enjoyed using that platform but I will not be supporting a system that tries to control and lock in users.

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Bad. Bad. Very bad. Bad. Awful.

Somehow I get the feeling that Bambu will cease not necessarily to exist but rather to be what it used to be in its first years, and that it might turn out much sooner that people will stop relying on the Bambu firmware and software “upgrades” long before their stated date of end of software/firmware support life cycle for the current generation of printers.

I’d usually test a Beta out, but now you’ve got me considering installing the custom firmware.

Your “security” concerns are due to your cloud service, forcing people to utilise it. Why not do this properly, with API keys that users can create for applications etc

Your abnormal traffic is because you don’t have this, and people are using your “private” APIs to give them the community functionality we all want


I knew at some point Bambu was going to remove the MQTT control commands and I was hoping that they’d implement something like a secure API as a replacement. Since they are putting the Bambu Connect software in between the printer and 3rd party software, I wonder what their long term plan is for it. Right now it can be used as a standalone GUI for controlling the printer, which has zero use case. The only 3rd party support it has at the moment is that you can use it to send 3mf files to be printed. This at least lets you print without using Bambu Studio, but with more hoops to jump through. Orca’s Device and Calibration tabs will basically be useless.

What I’d really like to know is what does Bambu’s roadmap look like for the future in regards to security. I’m not opposed to it, I’d just like to know what I can expect for the future. Is the intent to open it up gradually so we can still control the printers via 3rd party methods, but utilizing some kind of authentication method? I could see the use of Bambu Connect as the mechanism to authenticate and add your printers. From there you can generate an API key thats tied to your account and could then be used by 3rd party applications for control operations.

I really don’t want to lose my 3rd party print control when this goes to production. I’d lose my ability to automate and control it along with my other devices. Not the end of the world, but would be a big negative in my book.


I guess I’ll just be joining the crowd of people that never update their printer, and go get a different brand when they want to expand their printers again since this is going to come with all new printers.

Forcing all users into your crappy auth system because you don’t understand how to guard your cloud APIs is just mental.

Next you’re gonna say that you can’t use filament that doesn’t have a bambu RFID