Two feature requests regarding loaded objects and added parts which are simple colored text additions.
alignment option
I added a text part, but can only do manual alignment (up down left right )
There is no software alignment option to select the object and the part, and then say center X, center Y, align bottom, align top in the horizontal and vertical plane’
Ideally this could be implemented and super user friendly, the way TinkerCad has implement their alignment feature, with a bounding box around it and a series of corner and middle dots around the box to press where to align.
And not just for text on objects, but also for other multi component objects that a user would bring in as multiple parts, colorize and then align.
edit an added text part
I cannot seem to edit a text part, I have to delete and add a new one. Example I add a name, pick a font size and font … looks great on screen, but the printed outcome is not quite legible enough. I can select the part, but not edit the content to simply change the font size and or font.
I believe a posible work around for some alignment can be accomplished by selecting parts individually and looking at the MOVE options tab. Then look at the X and Y location. I was able to align 3 different size circles by zeroing out the coordinates. It gave them all the same center starting point reference. Possibly could use a calculator in coordination with this to get centers to line up. BUT yehhhhh how did they miss this basic element?
Came here to say the exact same thing. We need an easy way to align multiple objects. TinkerCAD has an amazing system which is actually quite similar to most 2D apps when you think about it (left, centre, right / top, middle, bottom) align for each axis. I’m surprised Bambu Studio doesn’t have it as yet.
This is exactly what I was thinking, being that in order to make text flush you have multiple steps ahead of you instead of having a checkmark box to make the text flush to surface. This would also be incredible for other parts as well, if implemented similarly to tinkercad like listed above.
I take it this isn’t possible yet? I’m trying to figure out how to align multiple text elements to specific objects in the STEP file – specifically I am trying to center them vertically and horizontally on surfaces.
I totally agree that an alignment feature is an absolute necessity and can’t understand why there is only limited movement features and the easiest method is manual movement.
You mention the alignment function from tinkercad which is useful but in my opinion the worst I’ve used. The issue I have with tinkercad is it wants to move all parts to a location. I have v-Carve pro for my CNC and this allows to move one part to to a second part and the second part stays static. It also allows to move parts to inside and outside boundary’s seamlessly. This would be the ulitimate solution for both tinkercad and bambu studio. I design furniture plans and components with V-Carve effortlessly. So far I find tinkercad and studio very frustrating but I am an absolute begginer with 3D modeling.
This is very limited situation use. If the object you are centering on isn’t flat, or is curved or sideways, you cannot align using this method. So not really a work around. Hoping they fix this. It’s been way to long and sick of using Tinker Cad to Align text only to import back into Bambu Studio lol.
+1. Text alignment is easily the #1 most painful part of the slicer, and in practical usage the text tool is used substantially more often than you’d might think/expect.