The problem seems to be isolated to systems with 64GB of memory.
I tried to reproduce this massive “leak” yesterday, but I think I failed.
Win 11 Pro 23H2, i7-8700K, 32GB, GTX1070 8G, current releases of Studio and OrcaSlicer.
OrcaSlicer 318MB at launch, Studio 230MB.
Left those two windows open for 14 hours, opened new projects every half hour or so, made changes, sliced and re-sliced, imported additions, saved and exported, printed a few items, monitored the printer via video. At times, I had two other instances of each slicer open. I also worked on my music library in MediaMonkey, did some simple video editing in Resolve, created a model in Fusion, did my taxes in TurboTax, did the usual Chrome web browsing, YouTube, Thunderbird email stuff, and ran backups on my drives.
Highest memory usage of any slicer instance was 1820MB for a complex multi-plate model. I left that open and made changes to the model from time to time for about four hours. Memory usage only varied by only a fraction of a MB when idle or when I made changes and then to dropped 740MB when I selected New Project.
At the end of the day, OrcaSlicer was holding on to 710MB and Studio had 539Mb. At no time did I have any slowdowns in the slicers or any other programs.
There was a slight “leak” in that memory usage never dropped all the way to the initial launch usage after starting a New Project, but neither slicer ever exceeded 750 MB before loading a new model.
The only recent mention that I can find of a leak on Github was for an older beta release with 32GB systems. If you want this issue fixed, a detailed bug report with log should be submitted on Github. The developers seldom see or respond to problems here on the forum.