Bambu Studio and Lulzbot Mini2

So before diving in, I’m not going to add config info as I suspect this may be of little interest here given most are here for BL printers, but wanted to share this in case there are others who are like me and want BS for other printers.

My A1 is now my go-to printer, but I wanted to use BS for both it and my Lulzbot Mini2. Happy to say I managed to get my Mini 2 setup and tuned in BS, and can share the profile config if there’s interest. The only caveat is I don’t really know if it’s as simple as someone importing the config file I exported from my BS? So hesitant to just drop the file here.

On a similar note, I also upgraded the Mini2’s wiper pad using spare A1 silicone pads. Here’s a pic of the final working version. Happy to say it works quite well (I modified the casing to raise and fit the silicone pads and have the STLs for that as well):


I have a mini2 that I would like to add in BS too to use for some projects when my Bambu Carbon is already printing. Can you share the profile or perhaps just email it reefball at reefball dot com

BL doesn’t allow upload of zip files, so sharing it from my blog.
Note: I used the BS export feature to create the profile and assume this is all that’s needed. I also have a filament profile but not sure that’s needed. Have a go and see if it works.

Very cool, I got the bbscfg file, I hope it might be simple but I can’t figure out how to add another printer off the list of available options. I think I stumbled upon a menu at one point for adding a custom printer but I can’t find it in the desktop version. Do you remember how you got to that part?

It was different as I created it from scratch using the wiki. Did you try File > Import to see if it works? I just tried on my laptop and it looks like it worked (haven’t tried any prints yet).