Bambu Studio Guide and Manual

Hello everybody,

There is tons of usefull printing and slicing information on the Bambu Studio website readily available.
However, even though it is organised in pages, it is not available in a PDF format you can download.
I have started to capture some pages for my own use but it is a very long proccess.
And sometime very usefull informations are not visible unless you specifically look for them.

It would be usefull:
1- to have an index to easily find the info you need.
2- To be able to download the pages, one is interested in, in a PDF format.

It would be a personalized Bambu Studio Manual, of sorts…

Funny thing, I started working on the same project, by copying the wiki pages and trying to maintain the (more or less) same structure. However, the process of fixing the text layout in Word, including the provided images, and especially the videos, is a time consuming and not that a straight up process (especially for inserting the full videos)…so, although I have all the X1C wiki files downloaded, creating the doc does take time, and due to work and family requirements, I had to put the project on standby for a while, until I can allocate more time to it … I do hope to have it done by the end of the year (if nothing else comes up to change my planning).

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If you wish to save a particular page from the wiki as PDF file, simply right click on the page you wish to save and select Print.

Another prompt will show up, which will allow you to save the PDF file of the page, which includes the pictures and content. It should be available in most browsers.

Please also note that our Wiki is updated often to add more information.
We recommend to always check the latest version of the Wiki article you save for the most up to date information, and to use the Web version as it also allows for easy search.

New and Updated Wiki pages are listed here:

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It’s not the wiki pages that pose problems when converting them into PDFs, rather having the videos saved as such and functional when launched from within the pdf. That means downloading them separately (one never knows if these won’t be removed or become inaccessible later on) and including them into the pdf fully functional. That’s where the main problem lies, and the fact that in this way, the pdf gets to have quite a very large size.

Our team is committed to further improve the Wiki and provide more value to customers who are using it.

We do not plan to remove existing wiki content, and if we do, it will be replaced by an improved version that will be more useful and provide a better experience for our customers.

LOL, it’s not about BL removing or replacing/updating the wiki content, it’s more about the YouTube videos included in the wiki, as it’s Alphabet/Google which have the control. BL might keep the videos on YouTube for as long as Google decides to keep them (due to changes to their specific T&Cs/TOS/etc.)
In practical terms, personally (and it appears that I’m not the only one) as owner of an X1C, I’d rather have all the references and instructions under my control at any given time, and not rely on third-parties (i.e. YouTube/Google) or on the availability (or lack thereof) of the internet, when I need to access the relevant information. Add to the above the potential risk posed to both BL and its customers/users by the Stratasys’ IP trolling lawsuit, and you can definitely see and understand that we need to have a reliable offline reference source with all the existing and pertaining info concerning our BL printing machines. Perhaps BL could provide its registered customers/users with a complete PDF format manual/wiki for download and safe keeping (just in case) and potentially release an yearly updated version. What do you say BL? Could you do that for us? Check internally with those holding decision making positions and get back to us on this topic with BL’s answer.

Exactly my point ! It is sometime important to have a paper printout to study at leasure, as a reference.
By the way, the “right click and print to PDF” solution is not suitable, because it is automated and gives a lot of empty space. It needs a manual editing wich is time consuming.