Bambu studio sizing help

I’m try to create a matching tray about one in tall for my pot I just printed. I was wondering if anyone knew how to do this in Bambu studio. I’ve tried scaling down the x axis but it distorts the look of the sides. Anyone have any advice? Thanks.

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Scale up the pot until the inner hole diameter will fit the outside of the pot (so the tray will be bigger than the pot) Then use a blocker cylinder and scale it up to enclose the whole top of the pot, leaving the bottom “tray” unblocked. Click slice and you should be left with a tray. Adjust the height of the cylinder until you get the tray to look how you want.

That would work but I would lose the rounded rope look on top

Use the cut tool. So scale it up and then cut it twice to get rid of the middle section.

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So I cut the top and bottom in to two parts and got rid of the middle but I can’t figure out how to join the top and bottom back together. Any suggestions? Thanks for all the help

You should cut into parts so they stay together as an assembly. I don’t know if you can make them one solid again after cutting, but they will move as one when they are an assembly. The problem with that model is, it’s already an assembly of rope coils so it gets messy when you cut it up more. Patience and good luck with this.

Thank you for the help

Here is a picture step by step of what @duane777 just described

Step 1 - Clone your pot and scale it in the X & Y directions so that it is large enough to accommodate the inner pot.

Then clone the scaled pot so you can cut it twice. Cut the top of one and the bottom of the other Discard the the part you don’t want and you’ll be left with two components the exact same size.

Step 2 Center both objects so that they are exactly concentric with each other.

Step 3 - Shift-Click on the two objects and right click and select “Assemble”

Step 4 - Use the Move tool to drag the top part so that that the branches of the basket are colinear with each other but the braided rope is move up. Note: this will not work unless you have the two parts assembled.



Colors were used just to illustrated that these are in fact separate objects.

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Thank you very much that is very helpful!!