Bambu Studio - slicing makes walls disappear

Does anybody know what is going on here? I have a simple cell holder, not very detailed, modelled at 19mm centre to centre (so not very large) using Fusion 360.

I have tried exporting as STEP and as OBJ, and playing with the refinement detail, but every time I slice some of the walls disappear and my model becomes non-manifold.

Here is a pic of what it looks like in the preview window of the slicer - everything looks normal:

And here is what it looks like when I hit “slice”:

The large gaps (indicated in red annotations) are not supposed to be there. Also, some of the horizontal (X/Y plane) geometry has gone missing.

Here is a link to the STL file:

If anyone has any suggestions for what to try, that would be greatly appreciated. I haven’t seen this issue before and this is a relatively simple model.

EDIT: in case anyone asks, because those walls look a bit thin in my screenshot, this is how they measure up:

I am printing with a .6mm nozzle though, if that makes a difference - profile set to 0.3mm “standard”, using ABS.

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Welcome to the forum.

A .6 nozzle isn’t going to print a .3 width of part. That is half of the nozzle width. I think you might be confusing print width with layer height.


Compare your line width to your wall thickness.


Jon’s right. Dimensions are probably important to you but just to see why those walls aren’t slicing properly, try scaling that model up and see if the walls don’t slice properly then.

With 0.3mm thick walls, that’s going to take a 0.2mm nozzle to even print but probably won’t print well. You need to space those holes out where the walls get thicker or print with a smaller nozzle if the dimensions are forced on you by something else. 0.2mm nozzles can’t be used with all filaments though.

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Thanks all. I thought that even if I was printing .6mm layers I would still be able to do .3mm in X/Y plane. After Jon’s comment I found this nifty guide which says wall thickness needs to be min 2 x nozzle diameter. Well, that explains that then I guess :frowning: Oh well. Thanks all - I don’t know whos comment to mark as the solution as everyone basically gave the answer lol.

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Jon was first. I just elaborated. :grin:

Edit - Ikraus slipped in there too. :+1:

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Jon gave you the solution. I just provided a hint, to make you think.

There seems to be a lot of questions here about thin walls lately…


im having the same issue and no matter how thick i make the walls it doesnt fix it. I tried detect thin walls, nothing works. this app is dogsh*t

How thick of walls are you trying to print? Can you upload your .3mf file?