Bambu Studio Wizard Cut Off

Hello, I’m experiencing a problem and I can’t figure out a way to get past it. I’ve checked the other thread about it and did everything that user was suggested and nothing works. I got this printer last week and I’d really like to use it to print stuff I want not just whatever is on Handy.

The Wizard is cut off and no matter how I do my display settings I can’t see the rest of the window where I’m assuming a button to go into the program exists.

Can someone please please help me?

That looks like a problem caused by enlarging your Windows display with a large scaling factor.

Try a right click on the desktop and then choose Display settings to reduce the Custom scaling factor.

Windows recommended a 350% size for my 4K screen, but that just made everything ridiculously large on the 48" TV I use as a monitor. 120% works better for me, displaying much more information without a lot of scrolling and zooming.

Ok, I increased the size up to 300% and got no where really, just the next line of text but at a certain point nothing else showed up and my screen became too big. When I reduced it back to my normal settings though it now looks like this.

So, what else can I try?

I think that a smaller scaling factor is needed, not larger.

Try 150% to see if it shows the entire setup screen. That might make things too small for normal use, but would tell us if we are looking in the right direction.

What is your “normal” setting? What is the screen resolution in pixels?

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I did set it to 100% (the lowest possible) first and it didn’t do anything, then I worked my way up. I just tried 100% again and it was the same.


These are my settings. If there’s a way to make them smaller please let me know.

Well, I’m about out of ideas.

I would suggest trying OrcaSlicer, but it is a fork of Studio and it might act the same way.

I gotta do something, otherwise I’ve got a printer with just whatever is on Handy.

I saw this issue in a post from a year ago I can’t believe there’s not a fix, or at least even a known work-around by now. If the printer is SO good (which it is I love it!) how can the software needed to use it be SO bad?

Damn. I got hosed again. You called it.

Is there any other slicer I can use easily? I tried Chitubox and Prusa but they don’t automatically recognize the A1.

The Studio software is actually pretty decent. The installation problem you are having is pretty unusual, which is why I don’t have many solutions to offer.

I found one discussion of the same problem, but I’m not certain exactly how it was resolved. Windows Settings> Accessibility>Text size - set very small?

A somewhat different problem, a blank Setup window, can be caused by a missing or damaged installation of Microsoft Edge Webview 2 Runtime. That should be in your list of installed Apps.

You definitely need to see more of that window and subsequent windows, as the choices cannot be selected with a keyboard.


This whole time I was reading it as the text in the display settings, but it’s the text size in the accessibility menu (Windows + U) that I needed to figit with.

Got it resolved! Thanks! Orca works now too!

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You read it that way because that’s the way I said it. I forgot that text size was a different setting, probably because I never use it. Thank Google for the solution.

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