I am trying to understand how to make an object with parts…
So I designed this as a crude test:
I saved one object as this:
And another this:
If I then open both into Bambu at the same time I get this:
Which leads to this:
And if I assign the 2nd part a different colour, this:
So we are all good… This is exactly what I want… But lets say I couldn’t open both parts at the same time… First I open the 1st object:
And then I “Add part” for the 2nd:
I get this:
And the only way to move the J inside is manually dragging it around, and it’s a total pain as its almost impossible to accurately as you are working to 1/100th of mms… You can use the Move Co-ordinate system, but that doesn’t seem to work right, as even if i give them the same numerical value, they are about 0.5mm out.
Even if you get it almost right, you get this:
But lots of double walls.
So I checked how Prusa would handle this……
That’s how I expected this to work… So what does this mean? Bambu broken? Different? Feature I am overlooking??
Any thoughts on how you use the ‘add part’ feature and get the parts ot line up?