I have an irritating problem with the printer, it’s a low hour X1C. Since new, I find that maybe 50% of waste filament actually makes it down into the poop shoot. See photo, this happens, waste material ends up on the plate. Sometimes the print head grabs one and pushes it around for a while. So the question, is this normal and if so is there a fix? Thanks
replace the wiper or investigate the other options on makerworld.
Ok, will do. If there is a solution is in makerworld, then that makes it a known issue. I never thought to look there. Thanks for the hint.
It looks on the picture that you do not have a standard nozzle?
If so, that might have something to do with it too…
Did you have the same issues before installing the 3rd party nozzle?
I didn’t notice the Revo. It does seem to create more than the other nozzles (poop flinging that is).
I use the silicon wipers. Found them on Etsy but they soon appeared on Makerworld.
Been using one like this for over a year, just swapped out my first one last month.
@Chris1974 @JonRaymond . Yes, the problem has been there since new and when
using the standard Bambu hotend. I changed to the Panda Hotend system just two days ago. This may not have helped, it’s exactly the same dimensions, only now there is more exposed hotend material at the tip. I have found a few solutions on makerworld, so that provides some hope

My guess is that the Revo is slightly shorter/higher than the stock nozzle. The bed level can accommodate this difference but the wiper arm is fixed.
Well I couldn’t measure a difference, but I’m not saying that they are exactly the same, could be a 0.25 or so difference. I was looking to try this model. That was before @johnfcooley provided the other solution.
Not to be pushy but the one I posted works well with a Revo. You can pick up the silicone sheet for cheap from Amazon or Aliexpress. Think it’s a 3mm wide sheet.
Up to you, but I can’t figure out why someone would need to cover up the chute like that. Seems like they’re saying the hole isn’t big enough to hit, so let’s make it smaller. If you’re wiper does it’s job then the poop falls. If it doesn’t then it’s flung.
@johnfcooley Thanks, yes, I looked at your suggestion, you use a Revo too, if I remember? I like the idea of the sharp edges vs the roller. The author said he took many tries to get the right material (hardness etc - but maybe that’s a ploy to get more sales). I looked on Amazon and a sheet of 3mm PTFE costs €10. The kit from Germany is €5.49+€4.99 shipping. That’s ironic. I’m thinking to go to a local hardware store, I bet I can buy a suitable 3mm thick plumbing washer for less.
Most likely. It’s not that big a square. Check out Aliexpress, think that’s where I got mine. At the rate they’re used up one sheet should last quite a bit.
Yes I also have a Revo. I haven’t used the rollers in quite awhile but I know they wear somewhat quick and unevenly, which is wierd.
Yes, thanks. It’s not a big issue when I can watch the thing. But it’s a niggle, one which isn’t urgent. But needs a solution. Oh, I was searching for PTFE, that was wrong. I have now found Silicon 3mm thick furniture bumpers, that look about right, pack of eight.
I @GrahamGo,
I am intrigued with the problem cause.
I am still using the original wipe. It isn’t in mint condition, but I forgot to replace it since it works most of the time.
Can you share a short video of the nozzle during the whipping process? This info may help to understand better the cause.
There is a model on makerworld to help with these. It is an adapter to fit the A1 wiper (which is far more efficient) into the p1s/x1c. this will likely solve your problem
Thanks for the suggestion. This is the same one that I was going to try. But for now I’m going to try the simple silicon wiper one suggested by @johnfcooley. Above in the thread
Hi, caught this today. I caught that the Bambu roller wiper didn’t quite do its job it moved the cut filament over to the exposed metal on Revo hotend where it stuck. So the poop didn’t drop. Therefore, I definitely need a stronger wiper. It’s a pity that we can’t buy a silicon sleeve for the Revo that covers everything
, except the very tip. Just like the silicon sock on the Bambu does. But you have the solution. I’m printing the bits now.
There are some 3rd party ones out and about. I need some socks (keep tearing that red ring taking it off) I’ll attempt to see if I can find the ones that cover up.
@GrahamGo Silicone Sock X for E3D Revo Nozzles | Partsbuilt 3D
John, the silicon wiper, has provided the solution. I found that we had some silicon baking cups in the kitchen with a base thickness of approx 2.1mm, so perfect. I printed the parts in PETG and installed the wiper. Then used the cutting guide thing and printed it in three colours as a wiper stress test. Here is a photo at layer 9, so the AMS has swapped colours 27 times. As you can see, the nozzle is as clean as it can be. So it looks like I don’t really need the Sock X covers right away. Though I like the idea of getting them later. Thanks to everyone for the hints and help. Next is to print the holder again, but using a higher temp filament.
Glad it worked!