It’s not clear for me how to switch on and off the fans such aux and chamber.
Can you tell me if there is a parameter to swtich it on or off? Maybe there is something in the filament setup, but icant fins it.
It’s not clear for me how to switch on and off the fans such aux and chamber.
Can you tell me if there is a parameter to swtich it on or off? Maybe there is something in the filament setup, but icant fins it.
On the bottom of the screen you can click on the Part, Aux, and Chamber icons to control the fans. It actually doesn’t matter which icon you click on, any of the three will bring up the fan control screen.
But is there any paramter that automatically defines when to switch on and off fans?
I never switch them on manually, it does it automatically. It is this function that i need to understand.
Oh, other than the cooling tab in the filament settings I’m not sure there’s another way. There’s probably something you could do by modifying some of the gcode settings, but that’s beyond me.
Yes there is - it is part of the filament profile and there in the GCode-part.
For Aux-Fan it is in the cooling tab:
For Chamber fan, it is in the advanced settings:
The range for the chamberfan is between 0 S0 (0%) to S255(100%)
What is set for Chamber-Fan in the advanced tab? As far as I remember (depending on filament) it is normally set to 100% during printing if the bed is heated above 45°C.
As you can see (in combination with the pic from the first post), you print with a heater bed temp of 55°C, which triggers the first if-part and sets the chamber fan to 100% (M106 P3 S255) - if you modify the S255-value to something lower (down to 0 if not needed) than the chamber fan would be slower or shut down completely.
The aux fan - according to your pic - should not be running
Thanks. Never had a need to know where that was, hope I remember when I do need it lol. I’ll probably end up googling it because I’ll be like… Oh I saw a post but can’t…