BambuStudio Chromebook / ChromeOS

Hello everyone,

First of all, sorry for my bad English. Nativ german here. But I will try my best.

Does anyone know if there is a solution to get Studio to run on a Chromebook?

With Cura there was the detour via the Linux developer environment to install it that way. Theoretically, a Linux version is also offered as a official download, but so far I have not been able to get it installed on ChromeOS.

Would be grateful for any tips.

You can install it like any other linux app if you have the linux VM enabled in your chromebook. Then just download the “AppImage” for ubuntu from the Releases page in the BambuStudio github page (I can’t include links in my post :grimacing:)

It’s not perfect, but it does work for me :slight_smile:


I have a Lenovo Chromebook with an ARM processor. Is there a workaround to get Bambu Studio to work in the Linux environment?

Hello Carlos. I Just bought a Chromebook to use for my printer. Would you be able to email me what I would need to do to get this program running on my Chromebook? I am a novice and would like to be able to use it. I am on a budget, and really would like to try to get the program running on the chromebook I just purchased. :slight_smile:

my email address is

Any information would be truly appreciated.

Thank you-Larry

I for some reason cannot get Linux on my Chromebook. do you have any other way I could use?

You can check to see if your Chromebook is included in the list that can run Linux here.

If your Chromebook is included in the list then follow these steps to activate it.


Had to get instructions from a Chinese made video with the Linux code was pasted in the comments in order to get Bambu Studio to work on a Chromebook. However, once opening it, it is asking for a network plug in to be installed and it doesn’t allow you to do that on the Chromebook so I can’t send anything to my printer. It appears all I can do is create and same to a micro SD card and then physically move them to the printer.