I have been very disappointed with the look of the new PLA Silk + gold compared to the discontinued old. It looks very yellow (cheep), like all the other silk PLAs from other companies.
If you are looking for something more like old gold check out Polymaker Silk gold. It is close to the old BBL filament, you will have difficulties differentiating them.
I have not tried the relabeled PanChroma Silk gold from Polymaker, but their support assured me it is has not changed just the name and packaging.
Hope this was helpful to someone.
Some more details and photos:
from left to right BBL old, Polymaker, BBL new
Polymaker left, BBL old right
Polymaker left, BBL old right
The main differences between the two are:
- Polymaker has less sheen
- Polymaker is more translucent
- Polymaker has better interlayer adhesion
If the old BBL Silk gold would still be available - I would buy it (Despite the terrible interlayer adhesion). It was the closest to my idea of a golden finish.
Has anyone tested the new Polymaker Panchroma silk gold and can let us, if it is really just rebranded?