Bed Adhesion? Under/over extrusion? What is going on here?!

Okay, very new Bambu User here.

First of all, I’d like to say these printers are AMAZING when they work!

Secondly, the pictures I have uploaded are what my issue is. I don’t know what to call it because I don’t know what it is. I feel like it could be a bit of under extrusion, but I’m not sure. Here are the troubleshooting steps I have taken so far;

  1. Cleaned PEI plate in hot water with washing up liquid
  2. Different Filament
  3. Different Model
  4. Different print temperature (usually at 220 and I put it at 210 and 205)
  5. Different build plate temperature (usually 60, had it at 55 and 50)
  6. Isopropyl alcohol
  7. Multiple calibrations from Bambu Studio and the printer itself
  8. Uninstall and reinstall Bambu Studio

I am using the printer exclusively on LAN

This issue has also presented with Bambu’s own filament

It isn’t filling to the edge of the print.

What else can I try?

It printed a tiny balloon animal perfectly without me changing anything. The models came from Maker World.

You didn’t really tell us what filament this is…

But if I had to guess, your part fan isn’t working.

Check to make sure the part fan connector is seated properly.

When you turn the P1 off and back on, watch the fan.
Does it move at all on startup? It should twitch. If it doesn’t twitch it’s likely the connector.

Sorry, it’s SunLu regular PLA :slight_smile:

No worries. ; )
Were you able to verify your part fan is working?

It is working, yes :slight_smile: it twitches as you said when it starts up :slight_smile:

Ok, that was the “easy” thing to try.

It still looks like a possible cooling issue to me.
When you print something small in PLA do you see and hear the part fan running?

It usually spins loudly with PLA.

It is very loud.

I think I may have fixed the issue though. When I first put the PLA in (Non-Bambu), it asked me for a K Factor, I had put 0.2 instead of 0.02. It appears that may have been where I messed up. Rookie mistake, messing with settings before knowing what they mean!

Thank you so much for your time and input. I will update in about 15-20 minutes! :smiley:

Sorry for the long pause in replying. It worked, I set the K Factor/Value to 0.02 instead of 0.2. Won’t be messing with any other settings lol


I’m glad you figured it out!

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At least other people will learn from my mistake >.< Thank you so much for all your help

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