Is there a way to properly dial in belt tension on these printers? Or are we to just hope that loosening the 4 bolts on the back, running the printhead forward and backwards a few times by hand and retightening the bolts is good enough? These oval shaped holes show me that the belts arent equally tensioned. Which i confirmed my measuring the hz like i do my voron.
the belts are only spring loaded
so the tension should be the same , but you can also increase manual the tensioning a bit if the springs do not do there job
but there is no other way to tension the belts at this moment exept from the back with the semi automatic belt tensioning system ( so spring loaded )
Thank you for your response. Unfortunately the springs on my printer do not hold equal load. Therefore causing unequal belt tension. About 5 hz in difference is the closest i can get it. It might not sound like much but as i have seen many times on my other printer it shows in the prints.
having same oval problem, wondering if you have found a way to fix the belt tension, i have tried the suggested tensioning method with no luck at all
You can fix belt tension by manually pushing a bit against the mechanism, increasing the tension on the side with the lower tension. When you tighten the screws again, it will stay that way. Might take a few attempts to get it right, but it works.
Thanks for the reply, I guess I’m not sure what mechanism to.push against while tightening? I will do some fiddling around as I think the suggested way of belt.tensioning is not doing its job.
After many times going back and forth with them on this their only real suggestion was to clean the carbon rods again and again and again until they are truly clean. They said it was caused by the head dragging on the rails from being dirty. I did it many times. It never truly went away until the next update dropped and i updated the printer. Then poof magically gone.
Would you happen to know the update number by chance? I think I’m fully updated, haved cleaned the rods repeatedly…
No problem, just updated to the latest, redid belt tensioning, calibration, and still oval…going to clean the rods today, belt tension and try once more, if that doesn’t do it, it’s getting sold if anybody is interested.
I’d try this if I were you Tightening X1C belt - YouTube
Nothing to do with belt tension or a printer issue. You are chasing your tail here.
The holes are ovaled due to orientation. Flip the print so the openings are pointing up, in z direction, and you’ll see a much rounder hole.
When printing holes on the side of your parts they will always be oval wirhout doing some tricks in modeling to compensate for it.
Blackartsdesign1 is right. Your problem is called gravity. Holes will sag a bit, when printed in z-axis direction. A high-tech 3d-printer is still a 3d printer
Hey mate dealing with the same thing but just wondering what hz you are getting/aiming for