Best way to reduce temp and wait between Layers?

Hi @Sokratz

Welcome to the forum.

I never tested it, but you can give it a try:

Use M 109 S[T] for cooling, too.
And M400 to wait for all the moves to be finished.

My advice is based on the machine starting g-code, specifically:

M109 S140 ; wait nozzle temp down to heatbed acceptable
G2 I0.5 J0 F3000
G2 I0.5 J0 F3000
G2 I0.5 J0 F3000
G2 I0.5 J0 F3000

M221 R; pop softend status
G1 Z10 F1200

If you are into it, take a look at the community contribution on BL-specific Marling g-code: Bambu Lab X1 Specific G-Code

If you try it, please share if it works or not. It is important for others with the same doubts. thank you.

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