Is there a known problem with beziers in the Parametric Model Maker?
I have a want to create a smooth curve with beziers which a shape should than be extruded along with path_extrude() I have tried my code in openscad and everything works:
This is my code:
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
bez = [[0,0,0], [0,50,0], [0,50,50], [0,100,50]];
path_extrude(bezier_curve(bez, 128)) square(10);
If i use it in Makerlab I get following error message. Please help
Assertion ‘(is_list(list) || is_string(list))’ failed: “Invalid input.” in file …/…/root/.local/share/openscad/libraries/BOSL2/lists.scad, line 1241