I broke a cardinal rule and let a PetG print run for 2 hours without checking on it. What resulted is a blob of PetG about the size of a golf ball smashed into the nozzle. I can’t get the cover off.
This is a P1S
I go to the nozzle temperature
Click OK
Set it to 250 degrees
Click OK
Hit the return button
It seems as though my nozzle doesn’t want to heat up that way, which is the way they show on the video. I tried to unload filament to heat up the nozzle but the print bed was too close to get the blob off. I homed it and it was still too close. None of the axis + or - buttons move it.
Any suggestions?
In a moment that isn’t my proudest, I broke something. I thought I would need to replace the entire print head cover, but Bambu doesn’t sell those. I wondered if the black part inside the print head is on their site. Here are some pictures. Yes, I tried to glue it, no I won’t do that again. What do I need to buy to fix this?
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With time and patience, you can heat that blob up and get it to peel away with a decent 2000W blow dryer.
I do electronic stuff, and have something called a “hot air rework station”, which is basically a wand that’s about the size of a soldering iron, except that it blows hot air (hot enough to melt solder, so it easily gets hot enough to melt plastic) instead.
You can purchase the front cover from Bambu which includes the fan duct/fan. Be sure to get the P series one as the X is different.
The other option is you purchase a 3rd party replacement fan duct. They claim to cool better but I haven’t seen any solid evidence of that. It’s not a bolt in swap as you will need to remove the old fan duct that is glued in.
Thank you. I must just be blind. I couldn’t find it in there.
It is a little confusing as Bambu recently split parts into two categories on the website. Accessories and Spare Parts. It used to be just one big section.
Kind of good they did that, those type of products should be separated.
Agreed, it’s just confusing if you expect them to be in the same area.
I think I’m on the wrong track here. I should get the cover in 2 days, but the error message has nothing to do with the cover.
Here’s the wiki for that error:
The Wiki only shows the X1. I undid the screws on the P1S but the hot end won’t come off. There are two wires hooked to the right-hand side of it that I can’t get loose.
So I’m not sure if I have two problems or if that one error is from the hot end front cover?