Does anyone have any suggestions/feedback on using the BL ABS support filament as the interface with ABS (I’m using Hatchbox ABS)? The support material sticks too well to the ABS and is almost impossible to remove, especially on curved surfaces, see pic. It makes it look much worse with it being white (if it was black I could just leave it on the curved surface, however I would still need to remove the excess material from the flanges). I do not think it is feasible soaking the entire part in (R)-(+)-Limonene as I have heard it tends to damage the ABS. Has anyone attempted to apply small amounts of Limonene with maybe a Q-tip to a very small area?
Also, has anyone had much luck using the same ABS material as the interface material and actually being able to remove it?
Thanks in advance! Chad.
You can try a few things. Increase the top Z distance from 0, that will help with easier removal. Another material that does not bond to ASA/ABS is nylon, you could try using that as the interface layer.
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That’s what I’ve always done. I’ve printed a lot of Sunlu ABS using it for the item and the supports. I’ve done it a few times with Bambu ABS also.
Try these support settings (the left column).
Top layer interface helped me quite a bit
CR, can you please expand on exactly what you mean? Pattern, layers, distance, etc? Thank you.
I’ll have to look at my settings tonight, but @PrinterMcgee has it in his image
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For supports that use the same filament, the interface spacing should be 1/2 the nozzle diameter. You want the layer being printed to just “lay” across the underlying support surface as it’s being extruded, so that the filament cools without being pressed in to the underlying layer.
1/2 the nozzle diameter does that. The slicer defaults should work fine. If they don’t, it’s because there’s too much plastic in the interface area.
Supports should pretty much always break away cleanly. If they don’t, there are only a few reasons why not… they all amount to too much filament for the interface between the support and the print. It could be because you are over-extruding. That could be because your filament isn’t tuned. It could also be because your filament needs to be dried.
If you can find it cheap, try getting yourself some Limonene. I’ve bought it for this reason but yet to try it as the page for the support filament does state its dissolvable with this chemical.