Black Friday sale and misleading discounts being advertised

Discount based on a false previous price. This is what youre missing. I’ll sell you a pencil at 50% off, but first, let me change the advertised price of that pencil to one million dollars (dr evil). Somebody is hoping purchasers are dumb. First time buyers will be the only ones that dont notice.


I somewhat see what you mean, but still - the price is lower than the current price.
Not much, but some.

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Most of this thread are people explaining to me how American corporations get away with deceptive sales practices. I found @user_3268691422 's post especially enlightening and I learned the word “disgorgement” from it also. Malc showed examples in his original post of what he’s talking about. I don’t think anyone here really needed to calm down did they?

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Arg I get what you mean. The discount is based of the true full price (not the current price). That’s kind of a grey zone, but with that said. Their BF sales price is still lower than what the price is now.

Something isn’t a grey zone when.

1, It is a lie.
2. It is deceptive
3. It is a crime in the country it is advertised

The fact you did not read what everyone said and assumed what they told you means you were blissfully unaware what they are doing.

The fact you were annoyed people pointed it out is strange. Doubling down after even more evidence is even stranger.

The fact you now know and seem to be fine with it makes you an ideal naive customer that would make a scammer a very happy person.

It is a crime and you are fine with it.

Everyone is welcome to how ever much delusion they want I suppose.


Now you gotta calm down… Jesus Christ…
their BF prices are lower than the current prices. End of story. Sorry you didn’t get the large discounts as you were hoping for.
Move on

@Madshall out here protecting the streets lol


Is there are reason you’re resorting to name calling?


Are you referring to me saying ‘donkey’ or that other dude saying ‘sheep’?

Although yours are a bit aggressive sounding.

This is after being told specifically that the shown discounts were based on fictitious base prices. This comment ignores the point made and is a bit rude.

Your point is that there IS a discount, regardless of what it is a discount of. No one argues that. The complaint is that they state a price that is not the actual price at the moment, and are showing a discount that is based off that price.
@StreetSports used a great example.

My point, and I’m questioning it, is why be so aggressive if it’s just a misunderstanding? You come off as rude. Seems overkill if you simply disagree.


I don’t envy Bambu having to conform to the laws of hundreds of different countries all over the world. Then add on top of that that state/province laws. It’s the full employment act for lawyers. If it becomes too burdensome, maybe Bambu just stops offer discounts altogether. Surely that would be worse.

Following laws is burdensome, but they have plenty of cash for lawyers. I would agree with you if they hadnt gone out of their way to trick people. Not exactly an accident because of the laws in 1 place. I drive 60 down a road and then one day they change the speed limit to 45, thats an accident and is burdensome because alot of people wouldnt know better. If I keep driving 60 down the same road, I’m the problem and im breaking the law on purpose, to get ahead of others.

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The fact that the lies are also illegal doesn’t mean Bambu has a job to comply with laws of so many countries.

Don’t blatantly lie, surely that is simple.

What is the benefit if a lie so easily spotted?

Sales are difficult to manage, you advertise the sale price and the highlight the difference between the previously available price and the sake price to let people know the benefit.

If that is £70 (a decent discount on the AMS) why say it is £100 when this is a total lie and easily spotted.

Why say the A1 mini is £100 off when their terms and conditions page clearly states it isn’t even in the sale and the £100 off had been applied months before.

Just be honest.

As I said at the start, more discount off the A1 mini doesn’t seem reasonable given the price is already excellent. £70 off the AMS is decent given its current price, there is a good argument the AMS and AMS lite units are overpriced normally, but, that is outside the scope of my original post purpose, to ask BL to just stop lying.

Stop lying in the sale and ideally everywhere else they believe blatant lies are a great plan.

I want them to succeed, but, they appear to want to constantly trash their own reputation in the process.


You get a free spool with 4 refills now.

I am hoping to benefit from this, I had spotted it.

However, importantly, this same offer was made last time and as with this sale it is while stocks last.

Last sale they ran out immediately, within an hour.

It is only a benefit if available. Don’t get me wrong, it is a nice bonus, but, based on the previous sale, the likelihood of gaining that benefit is extremely low.

Bambu Lab has removed one of my posts here because I called them out again for misleading customers.

They may pretend it was the use of the word sheep, which is obviously not an offensive word.

Nor is it an offensive term when used to describe a category of people who simply follow blindly.

like ˈsheep

(disapproving ) if people behave like sheep, theyall do what the others are doing, without thinking or deciding forthemselves: If John says that something must be done, they do it.They just follow his orders like sheep

On the other hand silencing descent is a childish act by those afraid of the light.

Hi, is that the police, someone called me a sheep, click, police hello, hello, they hung up!

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You know, I’m not so opposed to this…

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AFAIK, Halloween is probably a foreign concept in China. I’d like to think that this is just their idea of what “Trick or Treat” might mean: the offers aren’t even live yet, so they could still be revised (“Trick”) to be congruent with the “up to” discounts. Right now the math doesn’t even tally correctly. It seems likely there will be more to it than what we currently see.

Anyhow, even if they’re “lying” as you say, I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Besides, I really don’t see that it’s in their interest to lie. They don’t need to. They’ve got the goods that people want. We’ll know soon enough. I’ll reserve any judgments until we see the true nature of the offer.

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Actually, it would not be worse. The whole notion of a “sale” is that they want to make the customers think they are getting a bargain, even though in most cases they are not. Just tell me the price and I will decide whether I think the item is worth what is being charged.

I mean, we get the flyers from Costco and each item has, in a big bold font, “SAVE $20” as if that is the most important piece of information about the item. While there are certain products at Costco that are sold elsewhere – Apple products, for example – so price comparison is straightforward, for the most part the packaging and bundling of products makes that impossible. Oh, so that giant box of granola bars is “$1.00 off!” but the “original price” is meaningless.

One of the great things about the Internet is that at long last, price transparency is a real thing. Pick an item, any item, say, a Martin 00-18 guitar. $2799 everywhere, from your local guitar shop to Sweetwater to direct from Martin. The choice of retailer is reduced to “which gives the best service?” which is as it should be.

But the thing is, I can buy the 00-18 from any of a hundred retailers. How many retailers sell the Bambu X1C? For most people it’s direct from Bambu, so there is actually less price transparency because they can do the things mentioned in this thread. Sure – they have a “usual” price, then raise that price in advance of advertising a discount. This sorta “works” because most people buy one machine and move on. The people who notice this game are those who buy multiple machines as their needs grow so they see “oh, last month the price was $X, now it’s $Y = $X + 20%” and think it’s just the usual price increase, then the month after that “discount! $Y - 10%” and that just sticks in people’s craws. If you are looking for a new machine and haven’t been following the pricing, $Y - 10% might seem like a “sale.”

Anyway, sorry, too long, I just want retailers and vendors to specify a price and not play psychological games with customers.