Black Friday Sale

According to Bambulab online shop platform, a Black Friday sale takes place between Oct 21st to Dec 3rd, with semnificative reductions in prices for all 3D printers models as well as for filament, accessories and maker kits. Those interested should evaluate the offers and, where applicable, profit from them.


  1. new Go-to build plate (launching Nov.12),

  2. Flexible Material for AMS (launching on same date)

  3. and Just Like Real Wood (on Nov 19)


The sale started early this morning. There’s several topics about it already. Not sure what the purpose of this post is, do you mind clarifying?


I thought it’s obvious: sharing the info for those interested in a good deal. What did you thought it is? Subliminal marketing?

Later edit

There’s the one started by @Malc, with justified criticism on pricing. Haven’t seen another yet, besides mine.


I’m not looking at, or interested in, any other topics if these aren’t under X1.