Lately, I have been getting blips on the surface of my prints. It seems that this is happening on longer prints or on multiple prints that take a long time to complete. Could this be related to a worn extruder gear, as nothing has changed for parameters in the Studio slicer ???
Any help would be greatly appreciated…….TIA
This is often caused but damp filament. Have you dried the filament you a printing with?
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This is even occurring with brand new filament out of the box. This issue is not happening with smaller prints and/or prints with shorter printing times.
I will try drying the filament in a filament dryer and see what happens.
Could this be a fault of a worn extruder gear ??? the gears have not been changed out since I bought the printers 2 years ago.
Do not assume filament is dry when you open the package. Weight the filament before drying and after. Any discrepancy will be how much moisture was removed.
I would expect worn extruder gears to exhibit under extrusion, not over extrusion that creates “blips”.
I have had that happen to me in the past on a Creality machine. It turns out that the print head was leaking to some extent and getting between the exterior of the print nozzle and the silicone cover. Occasional but regular drips looked exactly the same.
Are these occurring at the seam of each layer? It may be overextruding at the start of a perimeter. You can change the seam behavior in the slicer like the location, seam type, or even add a small negative to “Extra length on restart”.
I think you need to find out if they are random or happening at specific points of the print.