Blobbing on Fine Details only on full scale prints

I am trying to print a scale model of a highschool and the overall print is fine but window mullions are blobby, overextruded, and not flush with the surrounding exterior walls. I have tried changing temperature and speed but those do not seem to fix the problem. I have sliced the model to be only a segment with windows (as seen in the second image) and it prints perfectly fine, its only when printing the whole model that the issue occurs.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

You need to tune your flow and pressure advance settings. The mullions are blobby because too much plastic is flowing, and probably also because the PA is wrong, so it flows too much at first, or is still flowing too much at the end of that segment of the print.

In addition, plastics often need to be dried to print properly. PLA is the least affected of all plastics, but even PLA absorbs moisture from the air. And it looks like you’re using wood PLA, which given the added organic content mixed in to the plastic probably increases its attractiveness to moisture some.

Given the general blobbiness of the print, especially around the tree supports, I’d suggest you put your filament in a dryer for a day before attempting the flow and PA calibrations.


I’d say your nozzle size is too large for the fine details to print right and also like @RocketSled said, it looks like your over extruding, so calibrate your flow and pressure advance.