Blue PETG HF full of water

Has anyone had issues with the Blue petg hf that was shipped just before Christmas? Mine was full of moisture. Dried it at 150f for 8hrs. That was no help. So dried it at 150f for 16hrs. It got about 80% of the moisture out. I have again dried it 2 more times for 20hrs each time. And now it is back in there for another 20 hr run. I have never had a roll of filament like this. I have used 100’s.

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I don’t understand the problem.

What color would you expect filament that’s full of water to be? Orange?

(Sorry, bad joke, don’t get mad. But I actually don’t understand what you’re pointing out in the photos. I don’t doubt the water issue.)

I have the a spool of dark grey and also got very unclean sides. Also tried to dry it very long, without any improvement. Printed a temperature tower (with OrcaSlicer) and changed the printing temp to 230C (as it came out best on the tower). Also changed the retraction length to 0.2mm (as I found this post). That fixed the issue for me.

Hope this helps!

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I will run a temp tower again. Mine ran best at 240 (temptower) after the second dry cycle. It has little air bubbles in the lines. Little pot holes. I have started a ticket to see if they have any insight.

Bottom pic on the right you can see tiny holes in the lines. Caused by water getting heated above the boiling point in the filament. It has to come out when it is vaporized.

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Yeah, I think I see it now.

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I also had that with a batch of black. Earlier batch printed perfect after a few hours of drying. Newer one, even after 24 hours at 65 deg c printed with zits. It was getting better and better and the very outside of the roll was dry enough, but it was a challenge.

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From the perspective of a 3D printing enthusiast, should this be acceptable as a product? I’ve been printing with Esun PETG because it’s printable straight out of the box without any special tuning. I made the mistake of buying the Bambu PETG HF product which I have instantly regretted as it is a steep learning curve for a 3D printing part timer.

All Bambu PETG-HF colors should be dried before use.

Weigh it, dry it, quit drying when it stops losing weight.

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