Boost System-- Frequently Asked Questions

Yeah, but if they gave out all the unused Boosts, they wouldn’t save any money. And we all know the real purpose of all this is to reduce the number of gift cards (money loss).


I bet the few boosts used are all used by creators while no one “consumer” used them.

And this is basically the main problem, till today the download or print generated points because those are the actions in the cycle to get a model printed.

There isn’t any other action to do after that and so consumer user won’t give the boost because for him the cycle is closed when the part is printed.

There would be only another action to do, that’s the rating, and why we got rates? Because ratings are paid too to the consumer who rates. That’s called incentive.

What’s the incentive to give a boost? No one.


And even the amount of ratings are not that high compared to the print numbers. Many consumers just don’t want to bother with such things.

I guess this either needs an automatic system if people don’t use their boosts, or boosts turn into a system for optional paid models that require a boost to print.

~ 70% of my boosts are comming from consumers “accounts with no uploads”


It is really ironic that the same group of people vehemently complaining about the boost system and how their download counts are down can’t even be bothered to give out the boost they have. “I can’t find a model worthy of my boost…” That’s pretty conceited.


While it’s evident that Makerworld may not adopt this feature, they could potentially redistribute unused boosts among the models that users have printed and received boosts for. In this scenario, the total rewards spending remains unaffected (just as they proclaimed), while still offering users the opportunity to influence the distribution share for each creator.

“Lightbulb Moment” - This week was when the A1 bed fixes went out and with each one is $120 in “Gift Card” credit in their store. How do they offset this and not take a huge loss? Allocate the creators points, er “Gift Card” budget, to cover the A1 credit. HOW? Bork the points system and don’t give any out!


Hey MW. Not that this is going to solve 100% the lack of people using the boost, but how about adding a prompt that asks you if you want to boos a model after you like it?


Another idea…

Maybe a pop-up that tells you that one of your boosts is about to expire with two lists, one of every model you’ve liked and another one with every model you’ve rated, so you can select one of them right there and award the boost.


Just took a look at my boosts and 77% are from users with no more than two uploads.


Is there a way to disable push notifications about this system? I don’t care about it and the only thing I ever want to get a push notification about is when my job finishes printing; if that’s used for other things with no way to disable, I’ll just have to disable push notifications for the app, which is unfortunate.

BS. I suggested that models should be rewarded according to their value not just number of downloads and that the only practical way of assessing model value was to let users decide. I suggested the ability to to tip designs with points and the possibility of buying points for people to who don’t earn any. Boosts are like points for that purpose and earned with just participation.

I think being able to buy boosts and/or be given some with store purchases would be a good idea.


Seems similar to mine, although haven’t counted specifically. Overall, seems like I got a bunch from fellow designers on the first day, then the following days have been more end users with little or no uploads themselves, and user_90148130297 type usernames.

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Here are a few suggestions:

  1. When a user gives a 5-star rating, a message pops up to ask if the user wants to boost the model, a short sentence about what a boost is will be good.
  2. When a user logs in, a message pops up and ask if the user wants to rate and/or boost the models that s/he printed and hasn’t given any rating yet. Make it easy to find the models that the user has printed but hasn’t rate yet.
  3. Temporarily postphone the implementation of no-login downloading. Adding this new feature at this time of major reward change complicates the matter unnecessarily.

The boost system just simply does not work! Casual users don’t understand it, and even if they do, they don’t want anything to do with it.

Case in point, check out this reddit thread:

Users think today’s notification about unspent boosts was an ad and are upset about receiving it. Look through the comments to understand that a lot of people have no clue what a boost is, and quite a number of them even think it’s something you need to buy for a dollar.

I’ll say it again: This boost system is too convoluted for the average consumer and will never be fully accepted. The vast majority of users will just ignore it and get upset every time BL sends out a notification about it. At the same time creators are being punished because the boost mechanism does not even come close to compensating for the lost points.


MW acknowledged that the new system is complex, and complex system is hard to work. But give it time, it’s not even a week yet :). MW will have to go through many adjustments, each adjustment takes time to work and evaluate before moving to the next adjustment.

One doesn’t necessarily need to get the same number of points as before to get the same or more rewards. Say the total budget is $100, if the total points awarded in the site is 1000, then each point is worth 10 cents. If the total points is 500 then each point is worth 20 cents. So one can have only half of the points as before and still get the same amount of reward. It’s one’s share (percentage) of total points that matters.

Another thing is not to focus solely on one or the few popular models that one has. Even for designers who are doing well, it’s usually the case that one or a few models have thousands of downloads, but the rest of their models have much less downloads. Increasing rewards on the less popular models can mitigate the decrease on the popular ones.

Last is that designers who have a knack to produce popular models are still going to be the top reward receivers in any system. The only difference the new change is trying to make is to narrow the gap between popular models and eqaully good qualty models that will not achieve the same popularity due to niche or complexity.


You didn’t read through that reddit thread I linked, did you?

The boost system is doomed to fail. Casual users do not want to engage with it at all. Keep in mind that we are in an echo chamber here, it’s mostly designers who are deeply invested in the system. We do not represent the vast majority of users.


I’m one of the few that don’t have a problem with the new Boost System. There really isn’t much to it.

Boost ticket is 11pts, Generic User has one to give and likes a model and thinks it deserves a “boost” and does so. Generic User out of the blue receives a Boost from a very generous member of the public (mid-level consumer with no models), receives a notification and Redeems it, voila 11pts.

They don’t cost me anything, the effort to obtain one isn’t hard.

My MakerWorld figures look terrible, they weren’t that good to start with, literally flatlined. But I’m still seeing movement and if I was keen there are actions I could take to raise my position. I’ve received several Boosts out of the blue and am humbled by them, thank you to those who gave them :). Redeeming them benefited my tally and felt like a positive to me.


That’s the dumbest thing ever. Stupid and no one on top of buying a Bambu would purchase boosts to tip a model when there a handful of other choices to get them for free… no one. But keep that mindset as if you’ll make millions off of MakerWorld.

This is what I suspect people here fail to realize. What 20 of us here? How many people have a Bambu? lol they didn’t even take the time to make a forum account yet we believe they’ll use “boost” or even like a model. .

Downloads are what should matter.