Brand Color Filaments Aggregate Post

Hi all,

I have been in search of filaments to match specific brands as closely as possible, and I thought it might be helpful to aggregate that in one place, as there seem to be several other threads looking for specific brand colors, but no one thread to rule them all.

I will attempt to keep this top post updated with any contributions in replies. Please only post filaments that you have printed and verified. If you can provide an image with the printout next to a brand item, that would help everyone gauge the fit who is looking for that color. If a better match is found down the road, the list will always be updated with the best match.

The following resources may help in finding filaments by color.

Brand Colors
The following filaments have been identified to match certain brands closely, if not exactly.

Brand Filament Type Filament Color Family Photo
Dewalt (#febd17) PLA Hatchbox Dark Yellow Yellow
Festool (#23aa08) HTPLA Protopasta Lootsef Green Green Photo coming soon
Festool (#23aa08) PETG HF Bambu Lime Green Green
Milwaukee (#db011c) PLA PolyTerra Army Red Red

Seeking Filaments for:

  • Woodpeckers (#902123)
  • Ryobi (#e1e723)
  • Makita (#008a97)
  • Wen (#ff6900)

Contributions welcome, please submit brand colors you have found matching filament for, or even brand colors you are looking for.

Great idea! I’ve found that PolyTerra Army Red is a pretty close match to Milwaukee.

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Here’s a budget option for the Festool green in case someone doesn’t want to spend $50 on a spool of Protopasta. This is Bambu PETG HF Lime Green and it is fairly close.

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Overture Matte Grass Green is a pretty good match for Ryobi

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Thanks for the suggestion. Please feel free to DM my a pic if you can’t attach one in the forum. (You need to complete the entire onboarding sequence to be able to attach, etc.)