I’m currently plagued by what I think is a simple first layer issue but I can’t for the life of me figure out the correction. I was attempting to print the AMS Top Mount parts and ran into discovering this. Images attached below for some visual.
What I’ve tried or thought through:
- OEM Bambu Textured PEI Plate - washed freshly with soap and water to ensure nothing during transit
- Performed fresh Calibration driven from the machine
- Updated firmware and Bambu Studio software for latest updates
- Material is Elegoo PLA+ fresh out of sealed packaging (aka shouldn’t be wet)
- Attempted running Flow Rate calibration - all prints had rough first layer, but final number was only a -1
- Tried different material (Overture PLA+) same issue (this one was tested first and I suspected could be wet)
- Printing same material on my Prusa mini, no issues, perfect first layers (even using input shaper profiles)
- Prints seem to come out fine, assuming it can get past the first layers and not pull the print up (per one of the pictures shown)
- Seems like an over-extrusion problem or a Z Offset that is perhaps TOO low for adhesion. It does seem to me that the squish is a bit too much.
- Noticed some non-straight lines leading me to believe again perhaps part of this is too low of Z Offset
Last image shows the same print (White = Overture, Grey = Elegoo) where it failed trying to print the second layer as it got pulled up with a hole in the print. Grey managed to not pull up, but I stopped at second layer and you can still see it’s obviously rough. My only next step last resort is attempting a full factory reset and see if something just randomly is programmed wrong somewhere.