“the heatbed temperature is abnormal; the sensor may have an open circuit”
I received a new A1 yesterday afternoon. Set up, run the calibration and run a couple of prints - one that lasted about 5 hours and a couple of small ones. Everything seemingly going well.
This morning I ran a small print which went fine but an hour or so later I go to run another print and I get an error about the heatbed. Since then I have been getting consistent heatbed errors. The bed itself does get hot but it seems like after it reaches a certain temperature or something it goes wrong and raises the error and the temperature readings are no longer correct.
I’ve tried:
- Factory reset
- 3 different firmware versions (oldest, somewhere in the middle, and latest)
- I’ve tried measuring the resistance of the power (47 ohms) and the signal (125 kohms - a bit high compared to the 100 kohms expected but not crazy)
- I’ve tried reseating all of the cables
I have a ticket open with Bambu but I thought I’d reach out and see if anyone knows anything else I can try in the meantime because I’m sure it will be at least a couple of days before I hear back and I only have the weekends to do 3D printing so trying to see if there’s still a chance I can print a larger object this weekend. I am assuming this is a “wait for Bambu to respond” thing though
Thanks all