Bring back the flip clock

A friend asked me if I could take a look at his flip clock.
Just stopped, he said…
That thing is VINTAGE!
A Bodet from the 60’s …

HIS great idea to have me ‘fix’ it was to use one of those projects on Thingiverse with a Raspberry Pie or such and a stepper motor to drive the clock.
I said I can’t do this to a vintage clock and so we started to look for a spare motor.
Those flip clocks (in working condition) we worth a small fortune these days, with that spares are pretty hard to find.
So what’s the purpose of this topic you wonder?

If YOU happen to have one of those vintage flip clocks that is no longer working…
With a few people interest I would be willing to document the process of restoring/replacing the motor.
As this will most likely involve printing some custom parts and gears I though I might start here to check :wink: