Bug (again) - bed crashing into floor

Hi, posting a new thread since the one i found seemed to have been ignored-
when starting a new print after finishing a tall print earlier, the bed lowers like usual, but it doesn’t check for collision, meaning it drags the bed down beyond where it should, resulting in considerable motor noise and very likely damage if occuring repeatedly.
there’s been a thread on this for a year, but since nothing has come of it, ill revive it.

Did you try a recalibrate?

What firmware version are you using?


This is unfortunately how it works. Part of their print start routine is to lower the bed. The unit detects the high curent draw when it stalls at the bottom and then stops. I’ve printed many tall objects and cringe when I hear it do this, but have found no signs of damage. One thing you can do to not have it happen is to manually raise the bed after a tall print before you start the next print. Will save you some anxiety hopefully.

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J’ai lu un thread sur le sujet qui était sorti il y a plusieurs mois, surement les mêmes sources et Bambu avait réagi uniquement en modifiant l’intensité donné au moteur mais sans modifier le gcode de l’imprimante. Rien de plus n’a été fait. Si toute fois cela te chagrine, en fin d’impression lorsque celle-ci amène le plateau vraiment bas, pense à le relever avant d’éteindre la machine.