My X1 Carbon shows more and more often the message “Build plate marker not detected”, however the plate is perfectly aligned and the marker is absolutely legible and clean, what can I do? How does this problem affect print performance?
P.S.: I am using the stock Cool Plate.
Thank You.
I saw the same error a few times after using the textured PEI plate but I cannot see any reason for now. Still wondering if the external light can make this happen…
Did you clean the camera lens… I keep an eye on the glass lid… that I never remove for printing… when I start to see a film build-up… time to clean that and the camera lens…
Some filiments can leave a residue quite quickly…
Just a thought…
Don’t think it is a problem anyhow. Since you have selected the correct plate in the slicer and the other steps will be completed as well (flow). Print will continue.
I think they might be “apriltags” which is a similar idea to QR codes but they are much simpler and only represent a number. They are much easier to decode as a small part of an image and make a lot of sense here. I started to play with them in a project where I stick an apriltag on the inside of my garage doors and the one camera inside the garage that can see all three doors could decode an apriltag when there wasn’t enough resolution for QR codes. The idea is that if the camera can see the code the door is closed, otherwise it’s open.
I’ve seen some print the code on a sheet of paper and tape it to the plate so it is easier to read. All the QR codes are on discord.
I’m having the same problem with the cool plate that came with the X1 Carbon. About every 3-4 prints, I get the error that says it can’t find the build plate marker and the print won’t continue. The plate is in the right place and flat on the bed - at least as far as I can see. It seems like a good feature to make sure the build plate didn’t accidently get put in out of place, but if it triggers incorrectly and stops the print, it seems like I’ll have to disable this - which seems bad. Any other suggestions for making this not quite as sensitive?
Make sure you always keep the area of the printing plate where the QR code is positioned perfectly clean. I have noticed that even a light layer of glue is enough to make that code unreadable to the printer, even if it already looks clean to the naked eye. I recommend using some isopropyl alcohol to clean that area.
You can try cleaning the lidar/camera lense with some IPA and a q-tip.
Also check the exterior lighting. I had issues with my bright workspace lights, never had an issue when the lights were switched off. Maybe this was cause by the flickering of the neon light, I don’t know.
Thanks to everyone for their replies. I’ve tried all these things and I’m still getting the issue. I’ll keep trying to figure out what is different but I appreciate all the helpful replies.
oh! I constantly get this error when using the BL dual sided PEI plate - I didn’t realize the extra LED light I added for better viewing while printing might be the problem! I just started a 10 hour print, but will test it after that is finished by turning it off until the calibrations are done. Thank you!
I had issues with this, Anyone getting poor first layer height issues when this error occurs, i’ve found this can be solved by turning off the “check localisation marker” in the print options. otherwise extra code is added, and the head will extrude about 5mm of filament at a lower temperature thus it wont be removed by the nozzle cleaner and ends in it reliably messing up the bed levelling because the filament is stuck between the nozzle and the bed. this is what causes the first layer issues. I’m certain of this as I have manage to quickly remove the extra 5mm extrusion manually (not recommended) and the bed levelling then works properly and the first layer is applied correctly, leading to a successful print.
I agree. I believe it is a firmware bug that the bed levelling is messed up if the plate detection fails. It should be corrected in a fw update.
Yep this is exactly the issue im getting. If the plate is not recognized, extra filament is extruded and messes up the auto leveling process.
Mind sharing which lines you changed in the Gcode to remove the extra 5mm after you clear the error code?
This exactly describes behavior on my machine as well. I haven’t figured out why my build plates aren’t being properly detected consistently, but this at least explains why I can’t just click “resume” when it does fail.
I just received my tacky plate and had the same issues I just clicked resume on the screen and it carries on fine I do have it selected in the slice although the issue is also noticed is where the nozzle cleans itself on the build plate it’s scratched up some of the sticky layer