Dear BambuLab, why you don’t sale the Lubricant Grease for the Lead Screws in your online shop. I don’t know which grease i to use for the maintenance. I don’t find anything like this here in Germany, please put the stuf for the maintenance in your online shop so we can buy the right things.
I use the following products:
The first is a product thats compareable to the lubricant grease some youtubers use.
The second is something i thougt i read at their Maintanance or troubleshooting page.
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U dont need a special grease for the lead screws. There is not really a load on it which requires a special grease like for high pressure or high temps. U can use basically every grease for mechanical parts (Mehrzweckfett, Lithiumfett, Gleitfett oder Getriebefett). But dont use oil on the lead screws - oil has creep properties.
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