let’s say I have a design using other stl file and the content in scad like this:
import(“a.stl”, convexity=3);
when I upload both of them, it doesn’t seems to work. Is this supported?
No one know the answer for this? Thanks.
Apologies, I missed this first time it was asked. It does depend on the time you post and the timezone of the likely audience that answers.
I have lost a few Pulitzer Prize winning posts to this problem.
Anyway back to you and not my demented self-delusions of my literary skills.
The short answer is NO.
The longer answer is also no, but, it comes with a reason.
I asked for exactly what you are describing, because…
- It is an extremely common use-case with OpenSCAD
- It makes complicated work easier
However, MakerWorld (MW), went a different route. They took my request for external file access that can use any file uploaded at the same time and turned into a way the OpenSCAD designer can add a parameter option for users to choose their own external file that will then be used in your script.
It has a use, but, significantly less use than the one I proposed and you just (originally 2 weeks ago) asked about.
The reason your file fails is it includes a reference to your external STL, but, the implementation they have doesn’t see the file you also provided as in anyway related to your script, despite being supplied with it.
You also can’t include supporting files in a zip file (another suggestion I made) that could encapsulate any supporting files.
I am hoping a future implementation update will include it after they focused all their energy on the the now completed colour integration. That does work well though.
Thanks for the answers. Hopefully they will support it in the future.