Can one component of a print be removed?

I was print 7 identical items on the plate. One of the items came unstuck tfrom the plate, after all items had about 20%. Is there away to stop the printer and edit it to remove that one failed item and then continue the rest of the print?

Unless you’re very familiar with gcode and are willing to spend a lot of time carefully figuring out what to modify and where to start. i don’t think it’s worth the effort. In this situation I would either let it print and hope the other parts remain salvageable with all of that loose extrusion floating around. Or just restart the print and prevent it from happening again.

Especially if it’s just at 20% i would just restart it honestly.

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That’s a shame, but an excellent idea for a future software update. There’s an OctoPrint plugin to do exactly this. Just sayin’


huh, didn’t know that solutions for this even existed. would be an awesome feature to add indeed!

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For sure. This plugin in has you draw, mid-print, rectangles and/or circles around whatever you don’t want to continue printing. Once you’re happy with your selection, you commit, and voila! The non-selected stuff keeps printing. A real life saver sometimes.

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Wow, Can you educate me on Where to get the plug in, and how to use it? Is it installing into the Slicer?

Never Mind, found it. So, this won’t work with the Bamubu Print?

That’s correct. The good news is that the Bambu devs seem to be open to and interested in improving their ecosystem. I wouldn’t be surprised to see this feature show up in a future release.

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It should actually not be too hard to add this to the printer firmware.
It will require though that objects gets tagged in the g-code, something currently not done by the Bambu Studio default slicer, but its an option for the Softfever fork.

All the firmware would need to do then is ignore the g-code for failed object and simply skip it, or at least everything that includes extrusion. A more complex task, but still easily doable were to calculate new movement lines to skip the object entirely and safe the time for the moments.

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The BIG diffrence here is, OctoPrint actually sends the gCode kind of line by line to the printer and therefor can intervene and send altered gCode when something like this happens.
Bambustudio sends ALL code to the printer and let it rip. There is no way to alter the gCode once it has been sent.
So unless Bambu devs move more to an octoprint or klipper style of printing this will not happen.
If this is changed, you are required to leave bambustudio open and running while printing… And if you have bad WiFi or your PC goes standby … The print will be interrupted as no new gCode lines are fed.

next time, try to print your objects sequentially :

EDIT : more secure but also faster

You can print by object rather than by layer? How would you prevent the objects from getting knocked down by the print head?

Respect printer head clearance and have a look into the order the objects are printed (so for taller prints the rods are not knocking of the print and causing a possible layer shift).
It is similar for other printers too

IIRC The slicer will take this in to account when you slice the plate.

I tried it once, but some of my parts were taller than the clearance from the Z home to the rods.

Octoprint doesn’t run on BBL printers.

Bambu studio can run octoprint for third party printers

I know this was a while ago but for any looking now it is a feature of the printer, it is done directly on the screen for the x1c at least, the button next to the “pause” lets you select individual objects and “skip” them