I have this issue with my AMS lite and the PTFE tubing rubbing on the top frame of my A1. The AMS is mounted on the wall behind and above it. The PTFE tubing came off of a length that was tightly rolled to ship it. It has a serious memory of that curled shape and no matter the gadgets I have printed to fix the issue, it remains. So had anybody successfully straightened PTFE tubing?? I see on Printables there are a few clamp type tools where you can clamp the tubing and hang it with some light weight on the other end. I am afraid the tubing rubbing will eventually wear a hole in the tubing and it is also rubbing the finish off of the top frame. Is this pretty normal?
I have straightened PTFE tubing for other applications. I hung it from the garage door track with a weight (a few oz) and used a heat gun to heat it. You must be careful not to overheat an area as it will thin the tubing out. I did this for my oil extractor for the same reason as you.
Good to hear it’s possible. I am printing this now and will give it a try.
I found another one that I might as well print out too for the heck of it.
I’ve used electrical tape and fastened the tubing to a towel radiator and left it while heating on. That straightened mine in no time
Thanks for the info, I will give the heat a try as the hanging didn’t help as much as I want.need. I’m in Florida so when it gets hot here I can hang outside or in the hot workshop or even in a parked vehicle for the heat part. I don’t have a towel heater but looked them up. I do have hot air guns so I will try that next. I was just trying the simplest way first.