Thank you for explaining that Josh, the split to parts seems to works great. Incidentally does Bambu use its own algorithm to split the parts based on the mesh? as doing it this way my 3 parts have now become 6, as it has split my writing into indivdual letters? It’s clever and all but could it result in problems if I’m relying on it and it suddenly can’t work out where to split properly?
Pivot points seems to be an explanation to the other issue I was having when I was importing as separate parts. If I had an object at Z0 in Shapr3D when I imported it into Studio it would be off in the horizon somewhere and -6.36 below the bed, you think okay if I change the value to 0 it will be on the bed. Well it then appears to be slightly above the bed? I don’t know why 0 doesn’t mean on the bed. So yeah, I have to bring it back to centre and then work out where it needs to go Z wise. These sort of things just end up getting frustrating when you’re doing it over and over, which is why I come and complain on here, and obviously then I get frustrated when people say they don’t have any issues. Whenever I do the same workflow in FlashPrint, if I have imported a multipart STL, it will have them assembled, but if I add parts later it will always put them on the bed, and always within the print area.
I get most of my complaints are quality of life stuff, but it would be nice if we could do things like snap to face to join parts