Can we please make it so Z0 means on the bed in Studio?

I don’t know if anyone else suffers this, but parts you add can end up randomly floating below the bed or way off it, you use centre to bring it back, then adjust Z height to get it on the bed, but it’s always guess work. When it’s a part you can’t lay on face either. Just make it so Z0 means on the bed? It would make things so much easier.


I’m not sure what you’re generating your models with but all of mine come in sitting on the bed. Also have you tried using the “Auto Orient” (Shift+R) button?

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Sorry yeah, it’s my fault

How many multipart prints do you do btw? because the first object is always on the bed, it’s the subsequent parts that aren’t

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Here you talking about that issue ?

If yes I agree it’s REALLY annoying not to have Z0 at the bottom of parts.


This is definitely part of the issue that confuses matters even more, but some of the stuff I export from Shapr3D will end up like -6.36 under the bed etc, and to work out where it needs to be placed on top of another part every time (+ the issue you mentioned) is just a nightmare. You spend hours, days, weeks in modelling software only to have to fight against slicing software afterwards. I know I prob go on about it a lot but never these issues in FlashPrint, and that’s seen a joke software to a lot of people, but for me it does the simple stuff like this so well.

I do lots of multi part plates. All of the parts I drag in sit flat on the bed. I can’t seem to replicate your issue.


There’s a surprise :rofl:

Thanks for trying though, maybe one day I’ll hit your nirvana

What’s the deal with your attitude?


well how about some screen shots of your issue that shows the plate with the problem objects and the active plate object list instead of doing smack talk?


Smack talk? Cmon, it’s pretty obvious the slicing software can be improved drastically. There’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to ‘snap’ parts to another etc.

Just because I criticise, doesn’t mean I’m hating. If anything I’m highlighting issues to try and improve the experience for others, yet I just seem to attract the ‘skill issue’ folk who like to make out it’s my fault and these things don’t happen to them…

so you show that criticism by attacking others that have the good intention trying to help you, is that the way you usually do things?


Wasn’t attacking him at all, I was laughing because he’s tried to help me in other threads by basically saying “it doesn’t happen to me”

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Hmmm he certainly seems overwhelmed by the gratitude of your laughing

so will we ever see your screenshots of the issue or you just dump things laughing in here?

Screenshots can’t really portray the issue otherwise I’d have posted some. @Alkerion clearly gets part of my issue so I guess you either understand or you don’t

Ok good understood and case closed from my side

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No worries buddy, hope I didn’t offend

Whenever I design multicolor parts in Fusion I save all the parts in one stl file and when I import that into Bambu Studio it asks if it should load as a single object with multiple parts and I say yes and don’t have the kind of issue you’re describing. Are you instead loading the different colored parts one by one and trying to place them relative to each other afterwards? When you load the first object I believe it is ALWAYS placed touching the bed (and Prusa does the same), in fact once when I didn’t want that (so it will be sitting on supports) I had to add a tall thin object as a base and sit the second object on that.

Well, people are able to get meshes into the slicing software without issue all the time, so it does sound like a skill issue, or rather, a lack of understanding of how these applications work. So, you blame the software instead of realizing, wait, maybe I’m doing something here that is causing me to have a difficult time.

Generally speaking though, I do think you are a bit rude.

Yup, yup, yup. You should export colored-objects as a single file so you can bring it in as a group. Sometimes if you bring in a selection of STLs, it’ll ask/try to group them, if it thinks it’s a multi-color object. Safest bet is to bring it in all under one file though. Just finished 2 multi-color print projects and had 0 issues bringing them into Bambu. Everything is lined up perfectly. I just changed the material assignments.

You know, especially when others aren’t having the same issue, you need to step back and ask what you’re doing that’s causing you issues where others aren’t having those same issues.

This is probably what OP is doing. The slicer brings in the models with the pivot point at the center of the bounding box, for a given model.

So, one can blame the software, or one can adjust their approach to work the way the software is built to work.

If I bring 3 parts in as a single STL from TinkerCAD or Shape3D they are all grouped together as one in Studio meaning I can’t iron a specific part only

Go to the “objects” tab under the process, right click on your object, then select split->to parts.

This will split it into an assembly of the parts which you can then manipulate on an individual level. If you split it to objects, they will be entirely separate objects, and you’ll have the alignment issues you started with, since it’s trying to place everything on the bed.

From this objects tab of the process, you’ll just go through and select the sub-meshes, then can set your specific settings/material assignments, I’m sure you know.

The slicer software is setting the pivot point for a given object to the bounding box volume of that object. It’s kind of a safe bet approach, as most cad applications don’t let you set the pivot point, but seems to just use the world center. I don’t know that CAD users are even aware or fully think about pivot points; not in the way they are used in 3d Media Arts applications anyway. On simple stuff it’s not a big deal, but as things get more complex, it can become more of an issue to manage for various reasons. Imagine trying to move an object around, but it’s pivot point is way off in some odd place that doesn’t make sense until you realize that’s where the world center was in the cad application.

In 3D Studio max, I can just set all the pivots exactly where I want them in a way I can’t in cad applications.

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