Can You Change the Temperature After A Certain Layer?

I have been doing some research on this topic. New to this forum and not able to create my own post. So I am stuff replying.

I just ordered an A1 and it will be my first ever 3D printer. While that is shipping I am prepping some calibration files. One of those files is the Temp Tower. I got the g-code to run under the Post-processing scripts section. BUT I wanted to use the M109 command " M109 - Wait for Hotend Temperature" h t t p s colon // marlinfw dot org/docs/gcode/M109 dot html Which I found when doing to research.

The issue is that it appears that it is not taking that command and 109 is being converted to 104 which is simply a change temperature command only. I was trying to get this code to pause until the temperatures caught up to the layer of the temp tower but it doesn’t seem to want to do that. Has anyone solved for this? Or is that something I shouldn’t worry with and let it run as is with just the temperature changes?

I read another article on the Bambu forum and it alluded to another g-code command not having support yet. How do we know what g-code commands are supported by the software and which ones aren’t?

Any more experienced with this topic have any advice?