Can you Over Dry PETG?

So ive printed out over 400 of these parts using the same black PETG filament. Using identical Gcode files one prints glossy and perfect the other has like an ashy almoat charcole like look and feel to it. Both printers are identical with the exception of the filament. The filament in question has been sitting in the new Sunlu S4 dry box at like 50C for over 18 hours, so is it possible to over dry filament?

Both printers are set to 245C.

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My typical settings for PETG is 60C for 6 hours - but it depends on initial humidity and the manufacturer spec’.

Is this a different (new) spool of filament? Filament is not all the same, even when it “should be”.

I put a spool too large for my dryer boxes in the toaster oven at low (180 F?). The spool got a bit melty and kinda bumpy on the rim and ran bumpy spool rollers but worked :rofl: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

I dried it 2 hrs twice at that temp. Partially because it was old filament. It printed better than ever before. Virtually no strings on my Prusa Mini. Should have my X1C tomorrow.

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FWIW - 180F is 82C, a bit warm for drying PETG.

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Yes, 80ºc it’s very hot for the petg. On one occasion, I tried drying a couple of nylon spools and a PETG spool in the oven at the same time (at about 80ºc). The PETG filament stuck to itself in several spots, and I had to throw it away…

It doesn’t appears to be a overdry question (if it is possible BTW), It seems that the part on the left was printed at a lower temperature. Check if, due to a malfunction or another issue, the nozzle might be running at a lower temperature.

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I thought maybe it was printing to cold so i upped the temp 20C to 265 incase my PID tune or something was off and it made 0 change.

Same brand of filament ive printed the other parts out of. Once this batch finishes printing im going to swap filament on the printer and see if i get the same or different results.

Yeah, I hate when that happens. :joy:

It was one of those rare Homer Simpson moments for me. I live on the rainy rainy rainy… rainy coast of Oregon. Up to 70+ inches of rain per year. My dehumidifier never stops and hates me with a passion. The odd squeal the fan is making is a clue it’s going on strike soon. This big bright yellow orb appeared only yesterday, missing since early October. Angels were signing. Rays from heaven… the warmth… :joy:

Anyway 2 more cm and the spool would have fit the dryer box. :neutral_face: So toaster oven it was. Probably saw the 160 setting but more is better right? Printed great! Filament isn’t tacked together that I can tell… so far. The spool? This will be it’s last go I’m afraid.

Artistic fail! Sell it as a one off. Ebay. Starting bid $30,000.


Which petg is basic / hf and have you used fuzzy skin mod on the left ?

And the simple answer is yes , filaments can be over dried,

Filament Drying Recommendations | Bambu Lab Wiki

Its just basic overture PETG. I belive i have found the issue. One of my printers either needs a new heater cartridge, thermistor, or PID tune because its clearly printing to cold and is not actually at 245C. I loaded the filament into my X1C and its glossy like the part on the right.

BTW answering the first post: Directly from Overture web:

Is PETG moisture sensitive? What are the drying recommendations?

Yes, PETG is sensitive to moisture, so we recommend drying under 65°C (149°F) for 7 hours. Avoid extended drying times, as this can lead to the filament becoming brittle and unsuitable for printing. For storage, keep it in a sealed container with desiccants to maintain low humidity levels.