Cannot Change Nozzle size in Bambu Handy

I have installed a 0.2mm Nozzle on my A1 mini, but in Bambu Handy my printer is listed with a 0.4mm nozzle.
I cannot see anywhere to change the nozzle size in the app, in Bambu Studio or on the printer it self.

I have a P1S and a X1C but on both of those there is a “Nozzle” option in the Bambu Handy app where you can set your Nozzle size in the app.

This is very annoying as since I am not able to print models that is supposed to have a 0.2mm nozzle directly from the Bambu Handy app.

I can easily print 0.2 Models from Bambu Studio, but that takes additional steps.


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As mentioned in my post. My issue is in the bambu handy app and not Bambu studio. There is no issue when printing from Bambu studio.

But in Bambu Handy I cannot print profiles that use 0.2mm nozzles as Bambu Handy is listing the A1 mini with a 0.4mm nozzle which is incorrect. There is not an option in settings in the app to manually change it for the A1 mini.


I have this same issue with Bambu Handy. While things are working fine from Bambu Studio, there does not seem to be a way for Bambu Handy to recognize a nozzle other than the default of .4mm.

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I would expect that option to be added in the next A1/mini firmware version. They just added this option for the P1 Series.

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That option was also not available on the P series either until the latest update a few days ago to 1.05.

But it is now, perhaps they still have yet to implement it for the A series

I am sure this also mentions Bamu Studio? I guess the world is full of people who feel entitled.


Although that option is there now for the P series, I don’t think you can change it. At least I couldn’t when I printed from Bambu Handy last night. I assumed it was displaying the setting from the printer, which is new in the firmware version that came out this week.

Is there a setting for nozzle size on the A1 printer itself?

You should be able to adjust your P1’s nozzle from the app. However, you can also do that from the P1 Series display. Neither the A1 nor the A1 mini have any way to set the nozzle that is currently in use. You will have to download the project to your PC or Mac and start the print from there if you want to print with anything other than the 0.4mm nozzle.

Hopefully Bambu Labs will include the option in the Bambu Handy app soon as they did with the P1S.

I find it cumbersome to have to download the project to a computer and then switch the settings there.

I also feel that there should have been a menu on the printer to specify which size nozzle is installed as well that Bambu Handy would synchronize with.

A quick update to the case.
Changing nossle size for the A1 mini is now available in bambu handy app after the recent update :ok_hand:

I’m encountering this in the Bambu Handy app as well. I’ve changed the profile for the printer to the 0.2mm nozzle, but when I try to print using a 0.2mm file I am only able to see a 0.4mm profile to choose from.

Settings have been been updated and reflected on the A1 mini itself and the app profile, so the error is when trying to select a compatible printer while Preparing to Print in the Handy app.


Have you found a resolution to this? I’m seeing the same issue from the bambu handy app device selection, even though in the app I can drill into the device settings and see that it’s the smaller nozzle, the print menu still shows the 0.4mm as the device.


Change nozzle size in settings of printer it’s self and the print will proceed normally without changing in bambu handy

Also experiencing this issue. The nozzle is set to 0.2mm in the printer (A1 Mini) and I see it set as 0.2mm in the settings menu in the app. I can print just fine from Bambu Studio, but the Bambu Handy app only shows the 0.4mm option from the print page.

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Any update on this I’m still getting this issue.

Same issue here (A1, firmware up to date).

The nozzle size can be changed in the Handy app in the printer settings, but the change does not affect the printer properties in “Prepare to print” → “Check printer and build plate type”. Hence, trying to print a model with a print profile for 0.2 mm nozzle results in error due to incompatible nozzle size.

There is no issue when printing from Bambu Studio.

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Good morning.

Same issue here. Settings for the printer
correct but the print will not start due to a
‚false‘ setting when trying to start the print.

No conclusion so far.


Here to say, having the Sam issue. P1s upgraded to the hardened .6 and it won’t let me print from the app cause the profile hasn’t updated.

I stumbled on a temporary solution to this issue. When you go to print and it has your printer outlined in red, as long as the print profile has multiple plates then if you select a different plate and then respect the plate you want to print then it recognizes that your printer has a different size nozzle. Hope that makes sense.