Cannot perform Flow Calibration from AMS (v2.0.0.95 )

I confirm, it’s working.
Thank goodness for Lan Only mode !

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Thank god I’m not the only one having this issue. I also submitted a ticket. Unfortunately, I factory-reset my printer before I knew how to access the logs, so those got deleted. I was smart enough to make a backup of my SD card before I formatted it though.


Here are my printer’s symptoms if anyone is wondering:

The printer will not run the Flow Dynamics calibration. I have tried power cycling the AMS, printer, & network equipment, performing a factory reset on the printer, formatting the SD card, using a new SD card, unloading & loading the filament spools in the AMS, unbinding & binding the printer, and uninstalling & installing Bambu Studio/Handy. When the calibration starts, the hotbed moves all the way down to the bottom and stays there. Once the hotbed reaches temp, the nozzle sets temp and heats up. After the nozzle reaches temp, nothing happens. The printer just idles. If there is a different spool loaded than the spool selected for the calibration, no attempt is made to swap them. Even when the loaded spool is the spool selected for the calibration, nothing happens. After a while, I get the following error: “Failed to get AMS mapping table; please select “Resume” to retry. [0700-8012 270106]”

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I have to say, something really funky is going on since the update. Maybe even before. Not 100%. I went from printing butter, to printing 20 grit sandpaper.

I have a feeling there is something with the AMS/printer combo that is holding on to bad calibration data and overwriting any user sets, since the update.

I think i’m going to try and revert to 1.9 or whatever. Has been a bad day printing for me.

Edit: Last edit! lol. so I sat on the factory reset of the printer, and then deleted the user settings folders. Had medium success. Now, after talking about going to an older version, I tried one more time. She seems to be printing again nice and clean. If anyone is having issues since the 2.0 update, just rename the folder to .old. Go thru the initial setup process. Do NOT take back in the old data that the server is holding on to. Its all backed up in t he .old folder if you need anything specific.

step 4: profit.

This is Bambu Gray PLA print it gave me this morning and ive been fighting it all day until now. A reset got me back to butter.

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I have been ripping my hair out with this 2.0 update. After it installed I also lost my AMS in the calibrate tab. So I uninstalled, reinstalled the 1.10.2 version. I had my calibration section back showing my AMS units, but it won’t calibrate, it just sits there not doing anything. The 2.0 version hosed my settings and now it is printing like absolute ■■■■ in either version. I’ve done multiple uninstalls. I’ve wiped bambu from my registry. I’ve formatted my SD card in the machine. I’ve rebooted the machine after doing any of these steps. I even reinstalled 2.0 multiple times. I got my AMS to show up in the calibration tab ONCE but it gets to heating nozzle and won’t go any further. The machine heats up to 190C and just sits there.



I had the same experience where reverting back to the previous version did not restore my ability to calibrate from the AMS. The update broke something that is not cleaned up after a Bambu Studio uninstall/reinstall, firmware reset or SD card format.

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my theory is, ams/printer is holding onto bad calibration info, or the info is sent in a way the printer/ams is not understanding and defaulting to something stupid.

I also have this very issue, and I bought 4 spools of filament from Bambu Labs, dried them, and cant do a darn thing with any of it because I cant calibrate any of it, including the PETG I bought. I really hope they get their heads out of their backyards and update this with a fix.

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…und so funktioniert es. :slight_smile: Danke

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Same problem here, but also with bambu studio < 2.0.0