I was printing all last week with no issues… and then on Friday as I was leaving, I updated the firmware (was sick of being bugged about it) and now today, I can’t print anymore. No matter what filament slot I use from the AMS, I keep getting this error.
I can’t get past it. I cant get anything to print.
There is nothing is stuck in any of the tubes, and I’ve checked (and re-cut tips of filament) and made sure everything is moving ok. Using standard eSUN PLA+ , same as I’ve been printing with since I got the X1.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
I just pulled the AMS apart, check all of the tubes and entry ways, I was able to manually feed (push) filament through each of the slots without obstruction.
I put the AMS back together, turned it back on and loaded the filament, and the printer sent each filament through the tubes all of the way to the back sensor and then wound each back up. No issues.
Then went to print, and same error again,. It’s not even trying to load the filament - the reels don’t move and the tubes are all empty.
Running software, printer firmware, AMS firmware
No one else having this issue? Really?
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