Cannot print from Studio because filaments in AMS are not recognized

My AMS Lite didn’t recognise filament until I realised I put the filament in a different slot as the spool is. The sequence is 1-4 on the back and 2-3 on the front. After correcting the slots everything is smooth now. Maybe a stupid mistake I made, but it can happen to anyone I think :sunglasses:

Thanks - that worked, and the hypothesis sounds correct.

I have no idea what steps you are taking. Please do not use shortcuts some people like me is beginner,

Step 1: Resync filaments from AMS: (FROM WHERE)

Step 2: Right-click (or your system equivalent of right-click) on your model (which should be showing on your plate in Bambu Studio).

ANY IMAGE ? not sure where to right click

Step 3: This should bring up the context menu. Then select Change Filament.

stuck on above

Step 4: Wait for your print to finish :wink:

no its does not help