Cannot (successfully) print ABS and PETG anymore

All of a sudden my P1S doesn’t seem to be able to successfully print anything other than PLA any longer. I’ll post pictures later but what seems to be happening is the first, maybe, 1CM of layers seem to print beautifully and then after that the prints start to warp and at worse they end up like a spaghetti mess the higher the prints get. I’ve dried the filament, run cleaning filament through the hotend and as I said PLA prints just fine.

I was on 1.5.2 firmware when the issue started just upgraded to the latest FW to see if that helps (it didn’t) and am on the latest Bambu Studio.

I am wondering if Bambu Studio is an issue as I’ve noticed you can’t enter “K” factors in the filament definitions anymore if you select a filament profile in the device tab.

Any ideas/suggestions?


Sounds like the print is warping and eventually causing issues because either it comes up or the layer is highter than the printer thinks it is on the corners. K value and nozzles won’t have much effect on this.

You don’t mention cleaning the bed, but make sure you use soap and water. You could use a little glue and/or a brim to help. You don’t mention how big the prints are but you’re going to have more issues with warping on larger prints.

With ABS I close the printer up, use glue on it’s footprint on the smooth plate and let the printer warm up by setting the bed temp to 100 for around 10 min.

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Thanks for the reply. The prints are quite small and are very well adhered to the bed. The reason I pointed at the K value is I’ve seen something very similar to this when I accidentally entered 0.2 for K value instead of 0.02. In the latest Bambu Studio you can’t enter the K value anymore (box is greyed out) although I see they gave the option to edit present values in a new window now - which I’ll try when I get home.

I’ve had parts before where they looked beautiful to start but mid-way thru the printing they were slowly lifting off the bed, by just the tiniest bit, and ruining the part. Sometimes the part was trashed, sometimes it wasn’t.

I recommend doing the following, based on my very limited knowledge (only doing this ~5 months) –

  1. Clean the build plate with degreaser. NOT Alcohol. Alcohol just redistributes the oils released when filament is melted. The degreaser (dish soap) will actually strip and remove the oils.

  2. Level the bed. Do a homing, from the printer panel, and pre-print select the leveling option.

If you’re printing PETG, make sure the cooling settings haven’t changed. PETG loves heat. I know after one of the updates people were noticing a different fan setting for the chamber and part cooling fan.

So after hours of troubleshooting I discovered the issue —- the part cooling fan wasn’t working. Hadn’t become disconnected (at least seemed to be inserted fully) but i did find it wasn’t activating at all, so disconnecting and reconnecting solved the issue completely!

Thanks for all the help!


Yeah my a1 cooling fan in the toolhead got clogged with CAT HAIR once lol my own fault, i kinda want an enclosure now or some sort of filter net for people with cats.

I had to pull the clob of hair out with a safety pin and it all came out in one fan shaped hair cake lol and then the fan started whiring like a hirricane and ALL my prints started looking noticebly better lol.

Try to drying it and that might work

Wow! Those cookies look yummy! Made me hungry–I’m going to the kitchen. :rofl:


Same issue. I might get 1 successful print. Something small. Then every print fails now like yours. No error codes.

It’s dirt and rocks for a dragon egg, lmao…


Ya know what they say… Ya live with the cat, ya wear the cat!
Cat fur sticks to literally everything!

mine don’t fail. I’m almost done with a 5 hour ABS print right now. No warping, nothing adverse. Looks great.

I’m not trying to minimize your issues, but I have never had issues with ABS or PETG.

Which build plate do you use for ABS? I have only used high temp plate, but they are not selling them anymore. I’m looking for something to replace my last plate.

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Smooth. Which is the same as the high temp.

I’ve used the gold plate in a pinch. For either I just put a little glue (don’t go crazy, no need), close up the printer and go. It’s currently at 53 internally and no issues.

It’s rough on purpose. Air pruning pot for Bonsai.


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